Part 12

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(Marcus's POV)
"What do you mean it doesn't exist?" I asked quietly looking at the ground trying to figure all of this out in my head. " what did you do?" Uncle frank asked with anger in his voice " I did what I had to" my dad answered coldly " what did you exactly have to do .... TELL ME" I yelled clenching my hands into fists. The room was silent for a couple minutes till my dad sighed and said " I built the town, the staff put it all together, the zombies dressed as the villagers, if you really went out there and something happened to you I just.. I just couldn't live with myself". My dad said while looking at the ground with his back facing me, anger and frustration boiled in my veins, " but you could live with this lying to me tricking me KEEPING ME HERE ALL MY LIFE WHEN YOU KNEW THAT IT WAS MY DREAM WAS TO GO!!" I yelled while stepping towards my father which made him face me.
(Your POV)
Dracula was about to open his mouth then Quasimodo got wheeled in a wheel barrel by the gargoyle waiters into the room but he was frozen and he was picking his nose?. He started speaking but it was really hard to understand him " English please your voice is very annoying" auntie Eunice said in a annoyed tone " wait I speak frozen" a fly human sized wearing a suit said while flying out of the crowd " he says that Dracula has brought a human into the hotel" the fly said while standing beside Quasimodo. My gut turned into tapioca and my face paled in panic, I started backing away from Marcus and slip into the crowd, till the fly said " she's the human" the crowd cleared to realize me standing there in a flustered state " (y/n) it's human she's a vampire he's lying" frank said dangerously getting into Quasimodo's face. " yeah and why is he picking his nose?" The invisible man asked with a twinge of disgust in his voice. Then Quasimodo said gibberish again " he says that it's a long story" I felt something crawl up my leg and what ever it was tugged on my hair and it took off my makeup and ripped out my fangs. "Ouch get off of me! Get off!!" I yelled in panic and pain, I heard everyone gasp I looked at my hands noticing all of my makeup was gone revealing my (s/k) skin, Quasimodo started talking gibberish again then the fly said mimicking his French accent " there's thy human". Everyone started screaming and running around the room like chickens with their heads cut off, I felt someone watching me I turned around noticing that it was Marcus " m-Marcus i" " Save it" Marcus said in a bitter voice " was it real did you use me WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL ME THAT YOU WERE HUMAN and worst of all YOU LIED TO ME" Marcus yelled with tears pricking his eyes while he grabbed my wrists " Marcus it is real between us I love you and I don't care that you're a monster I still want to be with you but it's clear that you don't feel the same" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks "you're right I don't how could a monster and human be together" Marcus said while pushing my away harshly " GO AWAY AND NEVER RETURN" Marcus yelled while forcing the doors open with his magic. I got up and ran out of the room with tears streaming down my face "I need to leave" I whimpered to myself.
(Marcus's POV)
I felt anger, sadness, frustration and guilt run through me it wasn't her fault it was my dads why did I take this out on her i need to find her. I stood there like a unemotional statue till I felt a hand on my shoulder " son I am so sorry" my dad said soothingly " dad what do I took all of my frustration out on her". "I really liked (y/n) she told great stories" my uncle frank said " I think we zinged" I said which caused everyone to gasp my uncle frank got emotional and said " you only zing once in you're life" he said between sobs " I know what you can do you go and find her" my dad stated while smiling at me, I smiled back and my eyes glimmered with joy. " go and get her son"

(Sorry it's not like the original guys I just wanted it to be different and not all copy write)

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