Chapter 22

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Wolf as Company, Set Off

“Xiao Chen, you bastard!” Jing Yue was so annoyed that she almost went crazy. This man really thought she was easy to bully!

“Punishment.” Xiao Chen paid no heed to Jing Yue, who had used her hands to cover her mouth with a wrathful face, and slowly stood up. It seemed like he was in a very good mood.

At the time Xing Yi and Xing Er, the two persons, came back after picking some wild fruits, they saw precisely this scene. They stared blankly for a moment before calmly strode forward and placed the fruits on top of a big rock. Jing Yue walked forward with a spitting anger, picked up the fruit and ungraciously began to eat.

Xiao Chen saw Jing Yue’s action and didn’t stop her. He also picked a fruit up and started to gnaw before opening his mouth to ask: “You come into the forest to do what?”

“That still has to be said? Naturally to take my family’s Yin Jian and Yin Feng away.” Jing Yue rolled her eyes and vigorously chewed the fruit in her mouth.

“Do you want to bring those two out of the mountain?” Xiao Chen was dumbfounded. He then turned his head to look at Yin Jian and Yin Feng, the two wolves who were lazily licking their claws. His brows were slightly wrinkled.

“Yes ah, can’t I?” Jing Yue blinked her eyes as she stared at Xiao Chen and asked.

“All right.” Xiao Chen silently turned around; a trace of smile was caught in the corners of his mouth. He really wanted to know, what kind of major situation they would arouse when they entered the capital. This kind of interesting woman was the Huang Fei he chose; he could assume that his days inside the imperial city would never be dull.

Jing Yue and Xiao Chen’s group rested for a while when they returned to the town at the forest’s border. Soon after, they went towards the direction of the capital.  During the whole journey, Jing Yue was very excited; she had stayed in the mountain for fourteen years and apart from this border town, she had never gone to any farther place.

The appearance of this ancient time intertwining imperial city, Jing Yue had only seen it on the TV so she was really excited to go to see this personally.

Xing Er kneeled in front of Xiao Chen. He humbly bowed and said: “Master, we’ve managed to investigate Huang Fei’s information.”

“Say.” Xiao Chen stood beside the carriage and slightly lifted his eyes to look at Jing Yue who was enthusiastically playing with two grey wolves on the meadow. A peculiar light flickered in his eyes.

“Definitely isn’t second prince’s person.” Xing followed Xiao Chen’s gaze and looked at Jing Yue before he hung his head down and said: “According to Xing Wei’s* investigation, Huang Fei started to appear in the forest’s border town when she was about seven years old. She was selling animal’s fur to get money to live.”

Xiao Chen’s eyes flashed faintly and asked: “Where did she come from?”

“As Huang Fei has said, the forest was her home. She has neither father nor mother and had been living with wolves as her companies. All about her birth father and mother are unknown.” Xing Er’s eyes faintly bore a surprised look when he spoke. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t understand how Jing Yue’s history could actually be like this.

At first, he thought Jing Yue was saying some random fabricated story, yet unexpectedly, it was actually all real. When he was investigating, he asked an old man who used to go into the mountain to hunt. That man said that a female mountain God lived inside the forest in the mountain with packs of wolves and wild beast as her left and right arms.

The one that old man was speaking of was probably Jing Yue when she was a child.

“Xiao Chen, are we going to set off?” Jing Yue, probably was tired of playing, sat on the ground, somewhat gasping for breath. The scene she made when her eyebrow bended and she smiled seemed just like a moving picture. It was as beautiful as a sparkling pearl twinkling under the sunshine.

“You go first.” Xiao Chen waved his hand towards Xing Er and walked towards Jing Yue.

Jing Yue stood up. She blinked her eyes staring at Xiao Chen who was coming towards her and asked doubtfully: “Ei? What happened?”

Xiao Chen silently stared at Jing Yue for quite a while before he opened his mouth and flatly asked: “You’re called Jing Yue? Who gave you your name?”

Blank for a moment, Jing Yue then smiled and said: “I did it myself ah!”

Xiao Chen stared at Jing Yue for a long time without any words until he finally turned around and left. Two cold indifferent words came through: “Set off.”


* The Wei in Xing Wei here means guard, so this ‘Xing Wei’ words can have two meanings. First the person’s name is Xing Wei; second, there was a group of guards called Xing guards as Xiao Chen’s guard all used Xing as their surname. Yi in Xing Yi actually means one or first in this case. And so is Er in Xing Er, it means two(/second).

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