Chapter 6: what a wonderful world

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Forgot in my books-any of my books- the enders have mouths. All of them well offender already had on but the other three also have a mouth.
                                The next day
I woke up hearing fighting and arguing. Jane," if you touch or rape her ill cut off your-" offender," hey hey! Lets not make rational decisions here!" jane," then don't ruin her offender!" offender," she is so hot! How can i stay away! Plus what she's in right now makes her irresistible!" nina," HEY! If you do something to her i swear offender we will cut off more than that tic tac of yours!" offender," ouch!" jane," leave!" offender," fine!" a door was slammed shut and i opened my eyes. Lazari was still asleep with me and i smiled and carefully sat up. Jane," oh did we wake you up?" me," did someone slam a door?" jane," sorry! Offender couldn't keep his hands off someone and almost did something to them." me," lazari is so cute!" nina," have you seen yourself (y/n)?!" me," apparently not." i chuckled and put lazari to sleep on the mattress instead of me. Jane," here change into this and we'll get ready for breakfast!" they pass me some clothes and i went into janes bathroom. I changed and i looked in the mirror. They gave me a (f/c) tank top with a (s/f/c) leather jacket, and jeans with purple converse. I smiled a little and fixed my hair. I undid the braid and my hair was wavy and untangled. Me," ill leave it like that!" i put the rubber band on the counter and shake my head so my hair can be lose and not in three separate parts. I got out saw lj. Me," hey lj!" lj," hey! They told me you barely woke up and i thought why not head to the kitchen together?" me," uh...." candy," hey (y/n)! Jane- hi you two!" me," hey candy! Walk with lj to the kitchen! I think you two will be great friends!" lj looked at her and blushed a little and he looked away from her. Candy quietly jumps with joy and then calms. Candy," sure why not?" lj," well uh okay uh um uh lets g-go candy!" they went out the door and candy turns back to me and smiles brightly and gives me a thumbs up. I give her thumbs up and she goes back to lj. I chuckled and someone tapped my left shoulder. I turned around and saw toby. Me," hi toby! Did jane hurt you?" toby," i actually escaped her just now! And then saw you and wanted to be with you before she kills me!" i chuckled and he smiled. Toby," so uh there's something i wanna tell you..........And uh well ask you- but really i wanna tell you but its also asking you so i don't really know and i just wanna say- well uh ya know its-" me," toby its okay! You can tell me anything!" he smiled and ribbed the back of his head. Toby," uh will you........*mumbles*Oh god this was harder than i thought! *normal voice*  uh will you be i don't know? My girlfriend?" my heart started pumping and my cheeks turned red. Everything felt warm and i was just dumbfounded. Me," uh..............Yes!" toby," you said yes!" me," yes! I said yes!" toby," you said yes! Yousaidyesyousaidyesyousaidyes! WOO!" he hugs me and i hugged him. I felt super happy i had no clue i could be this happy! Toby let go of me and kissed me. My eyes fluttered closed and i kissed him. My heart was pounding against my chest and my happiness was over the charts! We stopped and looked at each other and smiled. Toby," im so happy you said yes!" me," i am too! Hey toby?" toby," what's up baby waffle!" me," is this what love is?" toby," yeah." me," i like it?" toby,"me too!" i smiled and he grabbed my hand and we left to the table. Zalgo went to the under realm cause he hated it here so he wasn't here. We arrived and my smile is so big the girls ask why i was smiling. Lazari," why are you so happy?" me," cause i have news!" jane," well what is it?" nina," yeah! We wanna know!" me," toby asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes!" they scream with joy and happiness and i smiled. Lazari," oh i so happy for you (y/n)!" candy," i have news too! Lj asked me out! All thanks to (y/n)! Thank you!" me," your welcome! Im so happy! This is what love is and i love it!" clockworks," we're so glad you found love!" jane," oh our little girl is all grown up!" me," im not that little!" i Chuckled and toby came and wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek. Toby," hows my baby waffle?" me," better than ever!" toby," glad to hear it!" girls_" oooooo~!" me," guys!" lazari," now looky here toby! If you break her heart we'll all kill you! And you better believe we all will!" toby," why would i wanna break a gorgeous thing like her!" sally," okay go eat!" jane," wait have you told jeff?" me," no and im scared to tell him!" candy," oh shit!" angle," why don't we tell him!" toby," then i should tell hoodie and masky to not tell jeff-" jeff_" TOBY YOU BASTARD YOU BETTER FUCKING RUN OR ILL KILL YOU! YOU DON'T ASK MY SISTER TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND WITH OUT ME KNOWING FIRST YOU PRICK!" me," oh shit!" toby got behind me and jeff came running out. I lit my lighter and grabbed him before he hurt toby. Jeff," mother fucker you have to tell me first dammit!" me," big bro chill! He makes me happy! Please!" trender," TOBY!' trender came and looked at us. Toby," why are you mad?!" trender," cause you asked my daughter out!" me*" what?!" i dropped my lighter causing it to close but jeff was more concerned on trender. Trender," oh im sorry! (y/n) would you like to be my daughter and i your father?" me," yes! Ill have a father!" i hug trender and he hugs me. A tear came out my right eye and toby wiped it away. Me," ill have a father! A real father!" jeff," hey im her brother!" trender," im also adopting you jeff! If i adopt one child ill adopt the other one!" toby," you have a real family now!" me," a real family!" i was so happy that i had to do a little happy dance! After me and trender stop hugging i jumped up and danced. Jeff chuckled and trender smiled. Toby smiled at me and the girls clapped and giggled at my dance. Me," im so happy!" jane," have you ever been this happy before?" me," no i haven't and it feels amazing! I just love it!" trender," alright lets go eat and toby....." toby," yeah!" trender," im warning you! Don't break her!" toby," i won't!" i smiled and we went to table with toby and we ate. After breakfast toby didn't want to leave me or didn't want to go anywhere unless im there. So that he wouldn't seem like a lost puppy i went to my room and laid down in bed and toby laid down with me. I laid on his chest and closed my eyes cause it felt right and i liked it.Toby," hey (y/n)?" me," yeah toby." toby," i love you!" a tear came out of my eye as he said that and I smiled. Me," i love you too!" he strokes my hair and i fell asleep..........

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