Chapter 19: the kid in my stomach!

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(Y/n) POV

I told zalgo that I was pregnant but I barely found out myself?! Anyways we laughed and giggled cause we had a talk that when we were done getting married we would have a kid and on our honey moon or some shit? And I guess that came early! Zalgo," well that's not a surprise really!" Me," yeah I know!" Zalgo," is it a boy or a girl? I really wanna know!" Me," no! Let's have it as a surprise!" Zalgo," okay! A surprise it is!" He kissed my lips softly and I smiled. Zalgo," so what she do we name them if it's girl?" Me," Catalina!" Zalgo," and If its a boy?" Me," I don't know?"Zalgo," can we name him grey? Please?"

(Quick shout out to Thegreyhooded0ne cause you were such an angel and so kind! So I wanted you to be heard and known and yeah............go follow him! He's such a sweet pea and so nice! You all won't regret it! I promise! Now on to the book!)

Me," yes his name can be grey if it's a boy!"

(Or any other suggestions cause I know you all might not like them but I like it! But then again it's like in a restaurant! The costumer is always right so in this case the readers always know! But if no one puts in suggestions [pls no cause I like the names I put] them I'll keep the ones I have! Now enjoy!)

Zalgo smiled and I smiled back.

A few days later........

It's been a few days and my stomach grew?! Then again it was apart of pregnancy so what was I suppose to except? Zombies coming in to do surgery?! I don't think so! Anyways yes my stomach grew and there was a kid living or growing and being developed in my stomach! In short something is in my stomach that'll be ready is like 8 or 9 months! Now how do you explain to a child how a baby is born? Sally," what do you mean you can't explain how a baby is born?" Me," uh I don't know?" Sally," tell me! Please!" Me," okay okay! There are two things that are needed! The ingredients of a cupcake is daddy and the oven is mommy! Daddy mixes himself to be with mommy and when he's ready he goes in the mommy oven and makes a baby! The baby cupcake cooks for at least 9 months and when the baby cupcake is ready they come out sweet and lovely!" Sally," really!" Me," mhm!" Sally," wow! I'll be right back!" Sally ran out and I relaxed cause she doesn't need to know this! Zalgo came in and sat on the bed with me and cuddled with me. Zalgo," hows my lovely queen doing?" Me," just fine thank you!" Zalgo," did they take your ring or did you get it?" Me," no I got it!" I picked up my left hand and showed him the ring he got for me when we got married! At first I couldn't wear it cause we weren't married yet! Now I can cause I got married yesterday! Then sally came in and was smiling happily! Sally," I made a baby!" She took out a cupcake and my eyes widened and she looked at me happily! Me," who helped you?" Sally," I asked everyone but they all said no till I asked Offender and he said yes! So I made a baby with offendy!" Zalgo," what type of scenario did you give her!" Me," one that I regret!" Sally," do you not like it?" Me," no no no no! I love it I just didn't except you to go make a baby with Offender!" Sally," he was confused at first but He agreed either way!" Me," oh god please help me!" Then slender man came in and the lord helped me for once in my life! Me," hey! Slender! Go tell sally how a baby is born!" Slender," huh?! Uh oh uh a baby is uh um......" Sally," is what slendy!" Slender," uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- bye!" Slender ran out and sally followed him. Zalgo," well at least we don't have to tell her!" Me," yeah but I should've used a different scenario! That one went horribly wrong!" Zalgo kissed my cheek and stay cuddling with me. I felt sleepy and wanted to sleep till lj came in. I look up at him and was sit up but he shook his head. Lj," no it's okay! You need to move less and not do anything that might hurt the little thing in there!" Me," little kid in here! Not thing! And can you not kill him when he starts to grow?" Lj," I'm definitely not gonna kill him cause if I do you'll kill me x10 worse!" Me," I can't believe I'm gonna be a mom! Huh!" Zalgo," and I never thought I would be a dad!" Me and Zalgo smiled and lj looked at me sad but smiles cause I'm happy. Lj," Zalgo can I y'all to her privately? Please!" Zalgo," sure! Slender told me I only have a few minutes to see you since I might hurt you and the little guy but why would I do that?" Me," go you big goof!" Zalgo kissed my head and left and lj watched him leave. After he left lj looked back at me and looked sad. Me," so what's up?" Lj moved to the side of the bed and sat next to me but a bit distant but not much really. Lj," how you feeling?" Me," good good! Nothing that bad just pretty boring since I can't really move." He chuckled lightly and looked at me a bit more serious. Lj," c-can I-.........can I-I h-have........" I was a bit confused and smiled at him. Me," it's okay! You can tell me!" He smiled and breathed in and out. Lj," okay..........can I kiss you? Or can we kiss cause I really loved you a lot but I can't have you cause your already zalgos and married with him and having a kid with him! So to spare me any sadness can I have just one kiss?" I was shocked and looked around. I then thought about it and thought it was fair cause I basically did owe him for always caring about me and never letting me down so it's fair right? I sigh and smiled then shook my head. Me;" well I guess it's fair as an IOU for all the times you've helped me? Will that be enough?" Lj nodded and smiled sweetly. Me," okay then one kiss but it has to be short and small! Okay?" Lj," yep! Definitely! Sure!" I chuckled and was gonna ask him to close the door but he kissed me automatically not even warning me! But I still kissed him back and had to make it small. He let go but then he hugged me. Lj," thank you!" Me," of course but this was only cause your my favorite too! So don't tell the others about this!" Lj," why would I? They're definitely gonna try to do this if I told them!" I smiled and hugged him back. We let go and he seemed happy again! Me," well I have to rest up and get ready for tomorrow!" Lj," WHATS tomorrow?" Me," i don't know? They didn't tell me! They just told me to get some rest and be ready for tomorrow!" Lj," wow! Okay!" Lj left and said bye and goodnight and I responded the same. Once he was gone I looked at my stomach and touched it gently. I smiled feeling his or hers heart beat and then I was gonna call ej for some water head started to eyes were starting to go black...............and my head felt like something was trying to get through to it....................but besides all that it hurt and felt like exploding!


I gasped and jumped up! The heart machine thingy started to spike up and ej came in and saw I was in panic. Ej," hey what's wrong?! You okay?!" I gasped heavily and breathed to try and relax. Ej," yeah keep doing that! What happened?" Me," I was smiling at my stomach and was gonna call you for a favor but then my head started to hurt and everything started to spin or get blurry. Then a tiny,small,and kid like voice called to me saying mama!" Ej," should I go get slender man? I feel like I should go get slender man!" Me," get dr smiley cause slendy will flip out if he knew!" Ej nods and left to get dr.smiley. I stayed there waiting for them to come and wondered if.....................if it was the baby?


hey guys.....................guess..............what..................
THATS THE END! THERES NO MORE! IM ENDING THIS BOOK SO IT COULD HAVE A SEQUEL! AND THIS WAS THE PERFECT CLIFFHANGER! alright guys I'll try to make the sequel soon but imma focus on at least one more book so I don't have so many books to finish when I'm done with this books sequel! Anyways I hope you enjoyed it and if your wondering why I'm ending it here is cause well this book has had it's fair share of drama and action and why not make the sequel more about (y/n) and the baby and how Zalgo and (y/n) face new challenges!

Hint hint: there's gonna be a split in the near future! XD

Bye and luv y'all!

Zalgos Deviling Wish (Zalgos × Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now