Chapter 2: Deepest Apologies

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It was day after day of cruel excruciating experiments, each session worst than the last. Trafalgar Law watched over every little motion the scientists made. The Surgeon would glare at them every second of every day the same way he'd look at bread whenever it passed his vision. Every syringe filled with that electric blue substance was pumped into your veins, and every knife that went into their grasp pierced your scarred shell called skin. Besides what that Drunken Official had informed the Warlord about your purpose days ago, he still hasn't gotten a single hint of logic from anything.

Law understood that you were two timing the World Government with the Revolutionary Army and got caught, this prison of endless experiments was your punishment. What was the point of beating you senseless then artificially healing you through scientific methods? There was clearly some other purpose as to why you were imprisoned here as a lab rat, and Law will get to the bottom of it... But how? He's been here for almost a week and no new information has shed light on this grim situation.

Today's experiments had gotten to Law more than the last. You weren't sedated for any part of the surgery, which is dangerous! Always sedate your patients before going into a big surgery such as your own. Broken bones were removed and replaced with artificial bones of titanium. Safe to say half of your body now had faux bones. You screamed at the top of your lungs with every single touch until the very end when all scientists had taken their leave for the day hours after they began.

Law stepped up before your table with a stressed sigh upon arrival. He was prepared to the the worse, however once the Surgeon had finally gotten a proper examination at the aftermath of your surgery, his stomach churned. Your skin were ever more paper white than the day he first laid eyes on you, your limbs were shaking frantically like a victim to frostbite in Punk Hazard. Those incisions to remove and replace those bones of yours were sloppily stitched back together. Those scientists... They didn't care at all for your well being. They hadn't even bothered to tie you down to the table today with those worn leather straps. The pain looked to be so overwhelming you wouldn't dare to move!

"How dare they call themselves Doctors and Scientists," Law spits, snapping his head around to the large polar bear fast asleep in the corner of the laboratory in an orange jumper. The bear snored softly, snot bubbling out of his cherry red nose. "Bepo wake up and get over here!" Law snapped with a heavy stomp of his foot.

"WAAAH!!! I wasn't asleep boss!!!" The Polar Bear arose within a frenzy with flailing arms. You choked a whine, glancing at Law with a hazy vision. Bepo trotted besides Law and handed him a small leather bag with the Heart Pirate's logo stamped on one side.

"A talking polar bear?" You choked back another whine, but curiosity got the best of you.

"He's Bepo," Law answered you nicely yet also quite distracted while digging through his bag. "He... He tends to go with me wherever."

"Bepo is cute," you managed to smile through your pain. Bepo's white fur cheeks flashed pink for a second and his jaw hung agape.

"I like this girl," Bepo points out to his captain. Law snickers, returning to his bag, taking out a box of surgical gloves, a syringe, and a vial of clear liquid.

"W-what are you doing?" You squirmed around, regretting that decision to the pain coursing through your spine.

Law huffed, holding you down by one arm. "Going back over their work... This is atrocious, I'm doing you a favor," you were stunned to say the least.

"So... What's that?" You motioned with your finger to the syringe laced between Law's inked fingers.

"Pain killers."

"I'm not supposed to-"

"I don't give a shit!" Law snapped shutting your mouth right up. "I myself was informed that you cannot have painkillers cause it could interfere with their studies. At this rate you'll die due to a heart attack or blood loss shock if you endure any more of this pain," you whimpered to the syringe entering your bloodstream through your inner elbow. The cold substance provided immediate relief.

Law... Law's helping me? He's only supposed to operate on me whenever I need my monthly heart transplant. This is the nicest thing anyone's done for me...

"I never asked for your help... Yet here you are," you breathed deeply, you hadn't even felt Law cut your stitches open and begin to restitch them carefully with his delicate hands.

"You shouldn't be here (Y/n)... I'm here to help. I have Straw Hat Luffy to thank for teaching me the importance of helping others in need."

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