Chapter 13: More & More

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It's been a good week, your training with the Straw Hat Crew hasn't made much if any progress. Wherever you walked, you left a trail of crystals in the shape of your boot. Whatever you touch, became encased in crystals as well. You made the executive decision to sleep outside upon the deck of the Sunny in order to keep the destruction of the crew's belongings to a bare minimum. Law allowed such a decision and didn't question it, he were letting you be as free as possible when it came to these types of things. However, Law never gave you a choice on the training of your devil fruit, the powers were out of control and more times than none, you fought him on the decision. You were just running away from your feelings, letting them fester, allowing the problem to grow and grow until they get out of hand.

You need to put your past behind you, that's what Law wants from you at least. Yes, because of the Straw Hats, the World Government force & conducted experiments on one of their top secret agents in hopes of a brighter future where a soldier can apprehend the crew single-handedly. Because you were forced into such a situation, you lost your job, were forced to consume a devil fruit thus stealing your ability to swim, and ran away into a life of hiding where you must have 24 hour access to a doctor in case your weak heart stops beating. That Doctor eventually became your Captain, and then a trusted boyfriend and here you were, traveling the world with Trafalgar Law and the crew that ruined your life at the cost of your safety. It's a lot to put behind yourself, Law understands, but you can't run away from the problem forever. That problem being a grudge that towards anyone is hard to let down.

Trafalgar Law had a trick up his sleeve, even though he wasn't a psychologist, it were a route he were willing to tread. Being you are blaming your lack of practice with your devil fruit for its sudden malfunctioning when in reality it is the grudge you hold against the crew that is resulting in a wild behavior behind the powers.

"Your request is finished," Franky sang as he held up a nicely decorated box of metallic silver wrapping. "Hope they're fine... I'm not an expert when it comes to women's clothing."

"It should be fine for what their purpose is..." Law took the box from the cyborg inventor, lifting the flap lid to allow his golden eyes to peer within. Even the contents within were chrome, not a hint of color to be seen.

"I must admit, this was an odd request," Franky kept up the conversation. "There's no benefit to the wrist brace and boots I made, if anything they'll just weigh the girl down."

"I'm aware," Law hummed, closing the box. "They'll fool (Y/n) into thinking they'll help conceal her powers."

"But they won't," Franky cocked his brow. "That's a bit dirty don't ya think?"

"I already had this talk with Black Leg and I won't repeat," Law wedged the box under his arm and thought over a rather quick explanation that the Cyborg deserves since he did in fact create the present. "This is like a placebo; if she's persuaded they're helping her, her performance should improve. If not... Well that's a road I'll cross when the time comes," Franky nodded showing he understood.

"I suppose if you're trying to help," Franky shrugged.

"Thank you," Law bowed his head and progressed to leave the Cyborg's Workshop. It were another journey in itself just to get to the upper deck, Luffy bumped into the Surgeon and kept pestering the man into telling him what lied within the decorative box. Eventually it got so bothersome Law called upon his 'Room' and teleported himself to the upper deck. There, he were welcomed to another surprise, you were fighting Humming Brook, and rather well too.

You swiped your arm, a wave of clear jagged crystals rose from the deck of where Brook stood before he jumped within the air and float merrily due to his lack of meat on those bones. From there, you opened up Law's eyes of gold some more once you pulled out some of your prior experience in combat and with one jump, you were walking within the air. You shown your palms to the skeleton, a shard shot out from them like a bullet from a gun. Brook shrieked and dove out of the way by gliding out of reach, you followed with a puff of air under your feet.

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