Saving Cecilia

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Song: I won't let go by Rascal Flatts

Weston's POV:

I have been saving up every dime, so that when I graduate I'm taking Cecilia far away from here. I feel like the farther away she is the better. There are just too many bad memories here in this town. I'm also hoping that when she is gone from here she will have fewer nightmares.

I know how much she loves the beach. So I have been looking into real estate there. I have found us a place but I haven't told her about it yet. It's right on the beach. A little out of my price range but I will make it work. I plan on telling her the night we graduate as a surprise to her. My grandparents know about it. That's how I found out about the insurance policy left from my parents. They finally told me about it and want me to use the money for a house. It was just enough to pay for it so we won't have to worry about a house payment. I have also talked with hers. They were not too happy about it at first saying I lost my mind, we are too young to be living on our own. But in the end they feel maybe this is what she needs as well.

I've been counting down the days. Exactly fourteen more days. Then she will be mine....all mine.

I hate working on weekends but if I'm planning on getting out of here we need all the money we can get. I have quite a bit saved up in the bank already. As I leave work, I call her. I love hearing her voice any time during the day. It rings longer than usual but then she answers it. "Hey you just get off work?"

I pull out into the street. "Yeah, I'm fixing to be home. What are you doing?"

"Well I was studying for Spanish but Chipper says we need to eat." She laughs. "So I just stopped to fix him something. Don't worry I'm eating too." It's like she knew I was going to ask her.

Well at least I know she is eating. I reach over to change the radio station. I can't stand when all they do is talk. She says something is strange and it gets my attention again.

"What's that?" I ask her.

"The back door is open."

"Maybe the wind blew it open." I tell her. The wind is blowing good tonight and I think we are supposed to have a few storms later. I should just swing by just to check things out. Just to be on the safe side. "You want me to come over and check things out?"

Of course she says, "No, I should be fine."

I pull into the drive and get out. "I just got home. I can tell my grandparents that I need to go by your place...just to make sure everything is fine."

Again she tells me no, as I'm walking into the house I see my grandparents. They are both sitting on the couch watching TV. I hear something on the other end, a loud crash, something shattering.

"Cecilia are you alright...what was that?"

I wait for her to reply...nothing.

"Cecilia...Cecilia...are you ok?"

She chokes out, "He's here."

"Who? Who's there?" I ask her but I already know by the sound of her voice who it is. I know it's him. How in the hell did he manage to get out?

"My father." She says in almost a whisper.

"What? Cecilia....shit I'm on my way." I pick back up my keys.

As I'm heading back out the door my grandfather asks, "What's wrong?"

"Call 911, tell them to get to Cecilia's now...." I rush out the door.

I hear him talking to her. He wants the phone.

"Cecilia don't give him the phone," I tell her as I jump in the car, jerking the gear shift in reverse out of the driveway. I slam on the gas and fly to her house as fast as I possibly can hitting over eighty. I figured if a cop sees me then he can follow me to her house. I can't hear what is going on but suddenly the phone goes dead.

Protecting CeciliaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin