32. Rejection

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Jesse's POV.
I walked out of the club in search for my mate. She suddenly disappeared a while ago while I was with Anthony. Dalton is in Europe, visiting his older brother for the next two years.

Thank goodness that I found my brother in less than 20 minutes in the ally way behind the club. But, Jasmine was in his arms, crying her sweet heart out.

"What happened?" I asked.

Jose's POV.
"She knows."

"How does she even know about about the mating proccess? I thought I told you not to tell her!" my little brother yelled. My friends cowered back slightly at his tone.

"Don't you dare fucking raise your voice towards me," I growled deeply.

"Why did you tell her?"

"I didn't."

"Then how does she know-"

Jazzy's POV.
"You know that white wolf who saved me the other day? Yeah, well, her and her sister told me:
'A Luna is a pack leader that has to be marked and mated with the Alpha. Plus, you have to have at least three pups, all boys, and the Alpha will only take care of the oldest, having him grow up like a true Alpha Hier. Also, Alphas won't care about the other pups unless something happens to the first born.' " I said, leaving Jose's arms, crossing my own.

"So when were you going to tell me?" I snarled.

"We weren't," Jesse blurted out.

"You idiots. We will not breed with males who lie to our face!" Crystal, who was beside me, and I yelled together.

"Jazzy, calm down," Jose pleaded.

"Why should I? I have every freaking right to be angry right now. Not only did you betray me, but you hurt me by thinking that you can't trust me with information that concerns me!"

"Jaz-" Jesse reached out for me.

"I, Luna Jasmine, reject you, Alphas Jesse and Jose, from being my mates."

"Jasmine!" my friends called out, walking towards me.

"Now go find a mate that suits your trust." With that, I shifted, and I ran home.

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