The Club

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The confrontation never came. As soon as Eliza went to ask about Andrew, her heart stopped her. If what Andrew said was true and Colin was just out to abuse Eliza's kindness, then she'd have to leave the Ritz before finishing her divine roast brusse duck. And Colin promised her apple mousseline, so she knew she had to stay through dessert. If this was all a ruse, she never would have toasted Colin to their date night and she would never see the opera. Her gown would be wasted on a somber cab ride home. She couldn't bring herself to possibly ruin the evening. There was too much to enjoy to fret over Andrew Tennyson.

So, as she was whisked away from the table, feeling slightly sloshed, she clutched onto Colin's arm and promised to enjoy herself. To not overthink. He led her out of the restaurant and on to the busy street.

"We have enough time if you'd like to walk to the opera house," Colin suggests and the slight sway in Eliza's stance tells her she needs to walk a bit.

"Jolly good," Eliza says with a smile. Colin can tell she's a bit squiffy, so he smiles to her before pulling her away from the Ritz. She leans into him as they saunter down the pavement and even if it weren't for all the merlot, she'd still feel comfortable. He had a way of making her feel relaxed and safe. And once again, she shoved away Andrew's warning.

"This is the last I'll ask about Penelope," Eliza suddenly says. "And then she's off topic for the rest of the evening."

"Alright then," Colin says, urging her to continue.

"Do you think she was stabbed intentionally where she would have been carrying the child? Does that show anger over the revelation that she was pregnant? Or do you think it's wrong to assume her lover was also her murderer?" Eliza asks. Her mind wanders to Colin holding her tightly. She couldn't imagine him just turning, stabbing her in the torso and dumping her off in the Thames.

"My darling Eliza, that is one thing I like about you." Colin says with a smile. "You can say something like that and not grasp for smelling salts."

"I don't carry smelling salts," she says with an eyeroll. And then coyly adds, "And you only like one thing about me?" She can see the wine is making her brave.

"Hardly. Would you like me to go down the entire list of things that I like about you?" Colin replies with a smirk. Eliza stops on the pavement and then looks to him, "You have an entire list? Blimey..."

"Shall I reveal it to you?" He asks her again while pulling her at the elbows to face him. She smiles, "I'm afraid my head would swell from flattery. I wouldn't fit in the opera house."

"Oh, we can't chance that. It'd be a shame you looking like that and I was unable to show you off," Colin says while pulling her a step closer.

"And here I was thinking I was showing you off," Eliza boldly admits and Colin finally pulls her into him. Public displays of affection in the middle of crowded pavements must be a crime by the way people reacted. Women scoffed while passing and men cheered them on. Eliza realized she didn't care. She liked his lips on hers and she wasn't about to pull away because society expected her to. Colin's hand found its way to her flushed face and when he pulls back, he says, "That just moved to the top of my list." Eliza grins and then turns away from him, leading him further down the street.

They were arm in arm when they strolled up to the magnificent limestone structure. The protruding columns alluded to its grandeur and Eliza couldn't wait to get inside. They pushed their way into the stream of fellow audience members and the wealth surrounding them matched the opulence inside.

Eliza's eyes widen as she tries to take in the extravagance. Massive marble columns lead up to high arched ceilings and she's stunned at the detailed woodworking that made up the balconies and stairways. Her hand slides along the smooth banister as Colin leads her up to the balcony and as soon as they find the corridor that leads them to their box, Bridgette rounds the corner, hanging onto an older man's arm. She spots Colin first, but her eyes widen when she realizes it's Eliza holding onto his arm. She awkwardly stutters out, "Lord Bradshaw, Ladyyy Eliizaa."

"Miss Walscott." Colin replies coolly and she looks to her date as he extends his hand, "This is The Honorable James Nidget."

"Lord Colin Bradshaw," Colin says as he extends his hand and he then looks to Eliza, "This is Lady Eliza Winter."

"How do you do?" Eliza politely replies. She notes that the man is almost her father's age and has a large well-groomed mustache. She can tell he's wealthy from his attire and she knows deep pockets are the only thing Bridgette finds attractive about James. Eliza then looks to Bridgette and says, "It's odd to see someone other than Miss Greensbury on your arm. Is she here?"

Bridgette flits her eyes to Colin and then says, "She...had an event in...Liverpool." Eliza doesn't believe her lie for a second and simply replies, "Oh...too bad."

"Well enjoy the show," Colin says to the couple and then pulls Eliza further down the hall. Once they are out of earshot, Colin leans in to her, "You enjoyed that didn't you." Eliza catches the twinkle in his eye and mutters, "You won't think less of me if I say yes?" Colin grins and then kisses the top of Eliza's hand. He drops it as they see the attendant and he leads them to their seats.

Eliza tries to reign in her excitement as they enter the theater, but a squeal almost escapes her when she's bombarded with gold paint and plush red velvet curtains. Her jaw slightly drops as she takes in the massive theater and she realizes there is a gold balcony below her and above her with red velvet seating in the middle.

"This is what walking into Buckingham must feel like," Eliza whispers in awe. Colin looks to her as she scans the stage and replies, "It's something isn't it?" He leads her to her own red velvet chair, framed in gold wood and she drops her silk behind it. She sits into her seat and then looks to the balcony across from her. A man is helping a fussy woman into a chair and she waves him off as soon as she's seated. Eliza looks to Colin, "How am I not going to be distracted by everyone across from us. I feel like God sitting up here, watching everyone below." She quickly scans the seats, but doesn't see Bridgette. She hopes she is up in the nosebleeds with an obstructed view.

"You know what I just thought of?" Eliza says while turning to Colin again. He raises an eyebrow and she continues, "If Bridgette marries James she'll be Mrs. Bridgette Nidget." She stifles a laugh by raising a gloved hand to her lips and Colin can't help but smirk.

"I've seen Nidget at the gentleman's clubs. If Bridgette marries him, she'll need to worry about more than his last name," Colin admits and Eliza, wide eyed turns to him.

"I'm intrigued Lord Bradshaw," she says. "I had no idea you were a member at a gentleman's club."

He gives a slight nod of his head, "You find out a lot about people in a relaxed atmosphere. I pop in when I'm working a case to gather information."

"Gather information? Is that what they are calling it these days," Eliza says boldly and she can tell her candor catches Colin off guard. He lets out a surprised laugh and replies, "What kind of clubs do you think I am a member of?" Eliza shrugs and he quickly adds, "I stick around St. James. White's and Boodle's. It's gambling and socializing darling. Not...anything you're thinking of."

"You say that, but I remember Penelope mentioning her meeting up with gentleman callers in St. James. Clearly, she wasn't playing card games," Eliza says flatly. Something she said sparked Colin's interest as his brow furrows for a second. He then says, "Which club in St. James? Do you know who she was meeting?"

Eliza shakes her head, "I would have already told you if I had a name of anyone she was meeting. All I know is she would sneak off there because it was within walking distance to my house." Suddenly her eyes widen and her and Colin say the same thing, "St. James!"

"That could have been where she was going when she was dropped off. A gentleman's club!" Eliza says excitedly but Colin is unable to answer as the lights dim. The first act begins and all of Eliza's excitement turns to the glorious music coming from the orchestra. She gives Colin one last eager smile and then they both turn to the stage.

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