your loss

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Tyler stood in line at Starbucks. He kept eyeing his watch, impatiently. He thought it would be wise for him to stop briefly for coffee on the way to practice- he was beginning to regret his choice. 

The place was packed. People were chattering all around him, but he still felt like he was in his own world. All he could think about was two things; game three, tomorrow, and Tayla. She was hurting, that was obvious. After they had gotten home from Las Vegas, she found comfort alone in her room. He hadn't spoken to her today, but had heard her go to work, before he even was thinking about practice. Knowing she probably needed a caffeine fix, and more than likely didn't sleep well if at all the night before. 

Of course, he knew he wouldn't be late. He had left early enough, but wanted to ensure he had time to at least talk a little bit to Tayla, to make sure she was okay. Finally, after what seemed like hours, he held her black coffee in his left hand, and his iced coffee in another. Though he typically didn't indulge in caffeine often, he did ocassionally enjoy a cup of iced coffee, introduced to him by Tayla, of course.

"Hey! Tyler!" he heard his name be called just as he was about to round the corner to his car, he looked up and felt a little anger; it was Nick, trudging towards him. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" he asked, huffing and out of breath. 

"I don't have time, I'm going to be late- I'm sorry" Tyler apologized- though he did not feel the least bit sorry. 

"Please" Nick begged, seemingly desperate. 

"Fine. What?" Tyler asked, now just curious as to why he wanted to talk to him so badly. 

"I need to make it up to Tayla" he breathed, finally catching his breath. 

"You don't say" Tyler snorted, before he could stop himself. 

"She told you?" Nick asked, enraged. 

"Of course she did, that's what friends do" Tyler snapped, rolling his eyes. 

"Sure, 'friends'" Nick replied, using air quotes around friends and rolling his eyes. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" Tyler asked, confused. 

"I don't buy that you guys are just friends" Nick spat, feeling more confident as he spoke.

"I beg your pardon?" Tyler asked, a little shocked. He wished he was more than friends wth Tay; it was what he thought about constantly. But, he wasn't; and he was too afraid to do anything about it. 

"I think that's just a ruse" Nick continued. 

"A ruse? Are you joking?" Tyler scoffed; this guy was coming across insane. He was fairly confident Nick would be his own downfall, and he wouldn't have to do anything. "A ruse for what? Why would she lie about that? Huh? What does she have to gain?" Tyler snapped.


"She moved here to get a new start. A fresh start. She's been through a lot, just like a lot of people. If she chooses to not relive it, that's her choice, dude. You can't force her to tell you things she doesn't want to relive. And you certainly cannot tell her who she can and can't be friends with" Tyler fumed, trying to not attract attention to himself. Lucky, it was early in the morning, and most people were more concerned with getting to work on time than two men having a verbal disagreement with each other in a Starbucks parking lot. 

"I'm not telling you to stay away from her-"

"I would hope not" Tyler interrupted him. "She's free to choose who she wants to be friends with. Period. That's not up for debate" he added, and Nick remained silent. "If you want to make amends with her, and if you truly do actually care about her, than I think you know what you have to do" Tyler stated. "Now if you'll excuse me" he nodded, grabbing the coffee and iced coffee from the roof of his car, and slamming the door. 

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