needs to be perfect

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"It needs to be perfect" Tyler reiterated, with slight panic. 

"So you've said, like a million times" Jamie rolled his eyes, begrudgingly following Tyler around the mall in San Jose. They were on a three game road trip, playing San Jose, Anaheim and Los Angeles in a seven day span. It was nearing the holidays, and the closer Christmas got, the more panicked Tyler became. He was nervous about getting Tayla the perfect present. "Look, she's not going to care what you get her, you know that" he reminded him. 

"It still needs to be perfect" Tyler stated, wondering which store to stop into next. Christmas was only two weeks away; he was running out of time.

"Whatever man. I'm tired, how much longer are we going to be here?" Jamie asked, yawning for emphasis. They had been wandering around the mall for over two hours; Cassidy wasn't kidding when she said Tyler liked to spend time shopping. Feeling annoyed, Jamie sent off a quick text to Tayla.

Jamie 8:07 p.m.

tell ur bf i'm tired and want to go home

Tayla 8:08 p.m.

lol is he making you shop again?

Jamie 8:09 p.m.

how'd you guess?

Tayla 8:09 p.m.

he's predictable. I think I can help u out

Jamie 8:10 p.m.

I owe u one

Jamie smiled, waiting for Tyler's phone to go off. He was tired, and they had an early morning skate. They battled San Jose tomorrow evening, and having come off a loss at home before coming on the road trip, Jamie felt a little bit of pressure to come back out hard. All he wanted to do was go back to the hotel and sleep; but Tyler was making that difficult. 

Tyler bit his lip, debating his next move. 

"What if we-?" Tyler began, but was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. "Hey babe" he answered with a grin. 

"Hey! What're you up to?" Tayla asked, as if she didn't' already know. 

"Jamie and I are just browsing the mall" Tyler told her, not going into detail. 

"Oh? Whatcha looking for?" Tayla asked, smirking. 

"Honestly, I have no idea" Tyler told her with 100% honesty. 

"Have time to Facetime?" Tayla asked, remembering why she called in the first place. 

"I'm not sure how long we'll be here-"

"I'm just finishing up my workout, then i'll be going in the tub" she told him slyly. 

"Oh?" Tyler asked, his eyebrows arching. Jamie noted the change in his demeanor, and wondered if Tayla had already convinced Tyler to leave the mall. He had no doubts in her ability to get him to leave. "Well, we're just about to head back to the hotel..." Tyler trailed off, excitedly. 

"So, facetime me when you get back to the hotel?" Tayla asked, smirking to herself. She wasn't even working out; she was sitting home, alone, a glass of wine in her hand, just having typed up her latest article. Justin and Katie snickered from beside her, both knowing what she was doing. 

"Sounds good" Tyler responded with excitement. "I love you"

"I love you too" Tayla smiled, hanging up the phone. 

"Well, I think I'm gonna give up for today" Tyler turned to Jamie, scratching the back of his head. "I just... I need to make it up to her" he added, as the pair made their way to the mall's exit, Jamie quickly texting Tayla a thank you. 

"Why do you say that?" Jamie asked, a little confused. 

"Because of everything that happened" he replied, keeping his answer short and to the point. He knew Jamie would know what he was referring to. 

"You can't keep having that weigh on you" Jamie told Tyler honestly. "Tayla chose to forgive you, dude. You can't keep beating yourself up over it. You did it, it was a shitty thing to do, but you're working on moving past it. And by the way things are going, it looks like you guys are doing pretty good. Am I wrong?" Jamie asked, arching an eyebrow. 

"Well, yeah- I mean yeah we are" Tyler mumbled. "I just-"

"Have a lot of guilt, I know" Jamie finished for him. "But how do you expect her to forgive you if you can't forgive yourself? You'll end up driving a wedge between you guys; and I know you don't want to lose her again" 

"I can't afford to lose her again" Tyler confirmed what Jamie had just said. "And I feel like if I don't make it up to her, that'll be exactly what happens" he confessed, as they made the very short walk back to their hotel. 

"I know, bro" Jamie sighed. "I know it doesn't matter what I say, but you gotta learn to let this go" 

"I know" Tyler muttered, feeling slightly defeated. 


Tayla sat at home, biting her lip, as she scrolled through her article to ensure there were no mistakes. The Stars were on the last game of their "Death Valley" road trip, and had won both previous games so far. She sat alone, eyeing the wine on her counter with envy. It seemed every time she drank it, however, she became sick. Anyone who knew Tayla knew she loved her wine; not being able to drink it was extremely hard for her. 

Closing her laptop, she finally decided to act on the nagging feeling in the back of her mind. After discussing it with Justin and Katie, she knew she had to give herself the peace of mind and closure. 

She wasn't sure how she felt if it ended up being the truth. On the one hand, she was ecstatic; and she knew her parents would be too. It was something she had always dreamed about, and though she was not in the position she thought she would be in when it happened, it wasn't something she was overly worried about. 

She walked into the bathroom, did what she had to do, and waited. She waited those long two minutes. The two minutes most girls either feared or was anxious about. She wasn't sure which one she was. Was she fearful? Was she pacing the bathroom with a good, hopeful anxiety?

Not being able to put off looking any longer, she looked down and gasped, unsure of how to react. She wouldn't be able to deny it any longer; she finally discovered the truth.

Tayla was pregnant.  

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