Home Sweet Home!!

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Kate's POV

We are now in our house, packing EVERYTHING up. Andrea and I were in our room packing and listening to music... that we BLASTED from our speakers. After an hour or so, everyone in the house had to go pick out our new house.


We walked around the house we were looking at........ "What do you think babe?" Connor said.

"I don't know, I love moving, but it's just our house we have now, it just has SO many memories,"

"Yeah it does. But we can make new memories babe."

"Thanks babe I love you." I said and hugged him.

We walked around the house and looked at every room. We were first walking in little groups, after we all walked together and planned out which room was for who... Everyone got their own room. Andrea and my room were right next to each other with a connecting bathroom in between. Connor was aacross the hall with the master bedroom and the others were just scattered around the house.

After we planned out the house, we all went to eat. Of corse we went to Starbucks to get some coffee. After starbucks.... we all went to Panera Bread. We sat near the back. I looked at Andrea when she was sitting next to Kian. "What??" She asked me. 

"I wish i could have a relationship like you and kian." I said.

"Ya you two are adorable together." Connor said.

"Ya ya we know." Kian said with his mouth full. Andrea turned around and picked up her napkin and wiped off the food on Kian's face. Kian and Andrea giggled.

After all that we all started eating. When i finished i walked outside to call a friend. "Hey Shannon!"

"Hi!!!!" she said back.

"Okay... so I have two tickets for you to come to LA."

"Thanks I'll tell Cole later on......"

A/N: Who's Cole?? Did I leave you hanging? Thanks for reading this far into the book!!

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