F I F T E E N ~ "And she's back."

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This chapter is dedicated to @cayenne99 for voting!! Thank you :)


"I'm so hungry." I complain, rolling onto my growling stomach.

Rob and I are lying in bed in the middle of the afternoon.


"I'm always hungry, I think I have an illness." Rob laughs as he copies me in rolling onto his stomach.

We both lie there looking at each other.

"I guess we should get food then." I laugh, knowing how stupid we look.

The love I have for food is almost becoming as unhealthy as the food I eat.

"Yeah, but ugh, so much effort!" Rob groans as he rolls over and sits up on his bed. "I'll text Axel and Emma."

A blush creeps onto my cheeks as I hear the name Axel. We haven't spoken since the night in the corridor. We didn't even see each other at the gym.

Although, saying that, I'm pretty sure he was avoiding it...

So now, I'm terrified to see him. Why? I don't know. I guess I'm just afraid it'll be awkward.

"Okay, they're in. They're both coming round now." Rob nods.

I nod and close my eyes in contentment at the fact I'm in bed.

"What are you doing?" Rob asks, his voice sounding accusing.

"I'm relaxing." I laugh, opening one eye to look at him.

"Yeah, no. My boy is coming round, who you haven't seen in what? Nearly a week?!" Rob points out.

"It's only been six days." I frown, looking like a child who's been caught. Sighing I sit up and run a hand through my hair. "What do you expect me to do anyway? We're going for food."

"Exactly! Casual clothes can be lethal as well, Cupcake." Rob smiles.

He stands up, heads for my wardrobe and starts rifling through the clothes.

"Okay, skinny jeans and this crop top should work." He nods.

Just as he stays this, he pulls out my skinniest black jeans and a white crop top which has a lace collar.

Grinning I grab the clothes from him and go to the bathroom to change. Once I'm changed, I apply some more lipgloss, mascara and blush on my pale face.

Running a hand through my hair, I make a funny face at myself.

What am my doing?

We're going out to eat as a group so I change and put make-up on?

In the midst of my doubting thoughts, I hear the door to the dorm room open and a deep voice follow it. It immediately places a smile on my face.

Okay, hell yes, am I doing this.

Walking out, I keep my eyes on the floor and pretend to be casual despite my heart beating faster than usual.

Placing my old clothes in the wardrobe, I shut the doors and finally lift my eyes.

Rob is grinning at me, or Axel. I'm not very sure as his eyes keep going back and forth. Axel stands by the door, leaning against it with his hand in his pockets. He has a smirk on his face but his eyes are slightly wide in surprise.

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