T W E N T Y S E V E N ~ "Basically."

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This chapter is dedicated to @xevera_ for voting!! Thank you so much :)


We're back to Skylar's POV!


Willing my eyes to open, I feel as though glue has been plastered onto them.

Day light streams through the curtains, which sends shock and relief through me.

I didn't manage to sleep until about four am, Axel and my fight with him replaying over and over again. My tears didn't stop until two and once they did, I dropped into a pit of self pity.

I sit up in my bed and run a hand through my hair, I realise it's Thursday, panic goes through me.

I have a lecture, in thirty minutes.

Which would seem like loads of time, but judging by the fact that it usually takes me twenty minutes to walk to campus, it doesn't actually leave me with that long.

Hurrying out of bed, I brush my teeth and then throw on a pair of jeans and a big hoodie.

Throwing on a jacket, I grab my books and then head out of the door.

Wondering if Axel feels the same way as I do at that moment.


"Now, please take out your workbooks. I posted a notice about it last night, so I should hope everyone has one." Miss Poppy instructs as she closes down the PowerPoint we had just been taking noted from.

My lack of sleep seems to be catching up on me, my eyes heavy. But as soon as she mentions the workbook, I realise I forgot it.

Exactly what I need today.

Dean leans over and whispers. "You forgot?"

I send him a tired smile. "Yeah, can we share?"

"Of course. Sure you don't want to tell me what bothering you?" He asks for the third time in an hour, a frown etched upon his face.

"Thanks," I say in regards to the workbook. "I'll tell you after."

Keeping up with tradition, Dean and I agreed to go for coffee after the lecture.

Quite possibly, the only thing that's keeping me going right now.

And I know I shouldn't feel like this. I was the one who suggested a break, I was the one who went mental. But in all honestly, it still hurts. Knowing he allowed himself to get into that situation with that girl and then be angry at me. Plus, his lack of commitment which he's only admitted now.

It all hurts I guess, which explains why I want to cry at every given moment.

Including right now when Miss Poppy walks up to my desk, hatred painted across her face.

"Where's your booklet?" She asks, her hand on her hip.

"Sorry, I left it at my place." I mumble, avoiding eye contact.

Dean, being polite as ever, steps in. "It's alright Miss, she can share mine."

"It's not good enough. This amount of effort isn't good enough. You're in your senior year now, act like it." She snaps at me, before storming off. The whole class watches in shock silence as she walks away.

"Well, somebody pissed in her cereal this morning." Dean jokes.

However the joke doesn't do it's desired effect of making me laugh, instead it just makes me give him a sad smile.

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