Chapter 1: The Morning After

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In this TWDG TFS Fan fiction, Clementine and Louis are 18. Yes, in the game they are 16-17. But again, this is Fan Fiction so..

*The morning following Marlon's death*

Clementine slowly opened her eyes as she awoke from a restless night. The events of last night were as fresh as the dew on the blades of grass right outside her window. As she sat up, she heard the gentle rustle of the wind snaking its way through the trees. She peered across the dark, crumbling room to where A.J. was sleeping. He looked so calm, so peaceful. Clem stood up and walked over to his bed. She sat near his feet and began to gently shake his leg.

"Come on Goofball. It's time to wake up."

A.J. moaned and rolled over, facing away from her. She slid closer to him and put her hand on his shoulder. She shook him again, a little harder this time.

"Come on sleepyhead. They'll be calling the meeting any minute," she said softly.

"...Ugh, okaaaay," he said as he sat up; A.J. rubbed his eyes. "And I was having a good dream, too. I killed over one thousand walkers by myself, while you watched. It was awesome!" he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Oh really," Clem said. "One thousand. All by yourself? That's impressive."

They heard a knock at the door, followed by the unmistakable sound of Ruby's voice.

"Come on you two. The meeting starts in five minutes."

They both stood up. Clem walked over to the table and grabbed her hat. In that moment, she realized all she and that hat had been through. All of the loss, heartbreak, laughter, hunger... It began to overwhelm her, the thoughts of Lee, Kenny, Christa, Luke. But she quickly snapped back to reality. This wasn't the time for that. Right now they needed to decide her and A.J.'s fate. She opened the old, wooden door, and they walked into the dingy hall. He grabbed her hand and looked up at her.

"Clem, what do you think they'll do to us? They seemed pretty mad last night... I don't want to be thrown out," he said.

Clem, truly unsure of what was going to happen, said, "I don't know, kiddo. We'll just have to go out there and see."

They proceeded to exit the building and stepped into the courtyard. As they walked out, Clem noticed everyone sitting at the old picnic tables. She was particularly focused on Louis. She had asked for his help last night, and he stood up to his best friend for her. She smiled slightly, then remembered just what this meeting was about. They had to convince the school kids to let her and A.J. stay.

Clem and A.J. took a seat off to the side. The old bench groaned as they sat down. She looked up and noticed Louis glancing over at her. She smiled back, but he just looked away. She looked at A.J. Right as she was about to speak to him, Aasim stood up.

"All right. Everyone knows why we're here. We've got to decide if we let Clem and A.J. stay with us. Obviously, last night was pretty heated. Guns were pulled, people were killed. Yes, Marlon may have gone off the rails a bit, but he did not deserve to die. He had clearly given up, and would have done whatever we told him. On this basis, I think we should kick them out..."

"Who anointed you king..." Louis murmured. Aasim glared at him. "But, of course, we should put it to a vote. All in favor of Clem and A.J. being kicked out, raise your hand."

Clem stood up. "Now wait a damn minute! You're going to vote, without even letting us defend ourselves? That seems fair," she said, ending sarcastically.

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