Chapter 13: When I Meet Death

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Before I start, I just want to say. Thank you all so much for voting me "Best Writer" in the TWDG IG Fandom! It means so much, you don't even know. Anyways, until next time:
Stay Classy

Clementine began frantically searching the empty room for Louis. "LOUIS!" she exclaimed, fear trickling down her spine.

She rushed out of the infirmary and ran to his room, A.J. close behind. She let out a sigh of relief as she saw Louis lying on his bed. "Oh, Louis!" She kissed him. "I thought...I thought I had lost you for good. You saved my life."

"Yeah, I guess I did. And I would do it again," he said weakly, grimacing and grabbing his wound. "Damn, this fucking hurts."

"I would hug you, but I don't want to hurt you. Thank you, Louis. For saving Clem, again," A.J. said.

Clem looked concerningly at him. "I'll let you rest, love. I'll come check on you in a bit. Do you need anything before I go?" she asked.

"No, I think I'm good for now. I expect a kiss when you come back, though."

Clem smiled and exited, pulling the door closed behind her and A.J. They entered the courtyard to find everyone huddled in a circle. As they approached, Ruby turned towards them.

"Clem. You said Violet was out there? It wasn't Jay? What exactly happened?" she asked. All eyes were on Clem.

"Well, we all thought Jay had kidnapped A.J. I mean you guys saw the note. When we got to the edge, where we were supposed to meet, Vi revealed herself to us. She said she was behind it all just to get Louis out of her way, so she could get to me. She had a gun on me, and Louis was on his knees facing away from me. I couldn't let her get away with it, so I threw my knife and hit her in the leg. She took a shot at me, but Louis jumped in front and saved me. Enraged, I attacked her and killed her."

"What the fuck? Why couldn't you have just, I don't know. Injured her and brought her back with you?" Mitch asked, infuriated.

Clem scowled back at him. "I don't know, Mitch. How would you expect me to drag two people back? And you think she would've just come nice and quiet? Come on, I did what I had to. She was a threat to us all!"

"This is fucked. Marlon, and now Vi. Seems to me like you're just bad fucking luck, Clementine," Mitch growled.

"Hush, Mitchell. I don't really think Clem had a choice. Besides, what's done is done. Not a whole lot we can do about it now. I'm gonna go check on Lou," Ruby said.

"Oh, he's in his room now. I just came from there," Clem responded.

Ruby looked surprised. "Oh. I told him not to move, I hope he didn't hurt himself anymore." She walked towards Louis' room.

Mitch came over to Clem. She was prepared for more arguing.

"Look. Clem. I'm sorry. I just...I get emotional. I don't know, fucking lead with my heart, or whatever. Point is, I'm sorry. Ya made the right call."

Clem was taken aback. "Um, yeah. Th-thanks, Mitch. It's okay," she stammered, forcing a smile.

The crew went about the rest of their day. Clem regularly checked on Louis, and had decided to spend the night with him in case he needed anything. When she woke up the next morning, she tried to wake him up, but he wouldn't move.

"Louis? LOUIS!" she yelled, shaking him but to no avail. He was unconscious. She felt his forehead. Fever. She launched herself off his bed and out of the room. She ran as fast as she could to Ruby's room. Thankfully, she was already awake.

"Ruby! Come quick, please! It's Louis. He's not conscious and he has a terrible fever," she gasped.

Ruby and Clem ran back to Louis' room, where he was still lying unconscious. Ruby put her hand on his head. "Oh, no. That's not good. I'll be right back. Clem, stay right here with him. I need to get some things from the infirmary. Shit," Ruby said as she bolted out the door.

Clem took Louis' hand in hers. She was so afraid to lose him. She closed her eyes and felt his hand twitch. She looked up to see him roll over towards her. He opened his eyes slowly.

"Ughhh...Clem? I feel horrible. I think I'm dying."

Clem was horrified. "No! What makes you say that! You'll be fine. Ruby is coming with medical stuff to help you."

Louis gazed up at her. "Clem. If my time's up, then let me tell you. I have no regrets."

Clem began to tear up. "Louis, no! I can''ll be okay..."

"Just hear me out now. I can finally let go. I'm not afraid anymore. I have my memories of you to take with me."

Tears were pouring down her face. "Louis! NO! PLEASE! Don't leave me..." she begged.

He leaned up slowly and kissed her cheek. "My love, don't mourn me...because I'll always be there for you."

She felt his arm go limp, his hand slipping away from hers.


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