Chapter 6

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Itan, what should we eat tonight?" My mum asked. She was sitting on the three sitters I had slept on earlier in the afternoon with her legs placed on the center table. She had her phone in hand but at the same time she was watching the television which was tuned to AM Yoruba (The local movie station.)

"Anything you want." I mumbled as I chatted with an online friend; Adrian.

Adrian was a friend I had met on social media last year, he was five years older than me but we clicked. Although, I have never met him. I could feel he was caring and nice from his way with words and actions.

He is in his first year in university and he knew me well. I could say he was my closest friend after Faith and he was always teasing me about a lot of things. Yet, he was one of the people in my life that I wouldnt think twice about laying my heart to.

I dont know why but, I guess like they say, it's better to talk to a stranger.

Adrian- How are you doing.

Me- I'm cool, Just have some stuff on my mind.

How about you?

Adrian- I'm cool too. And what's bothering my little friend's mind😉😉

Me- I am not that little, it's just a difference of 5 years.😐😐

Adrian- I am older than your elder sister so you are little to me. 😂😂

Me- With just 3 months.😏

Adrian- Whatever, I'm still older😋

Me- Whatever.

Adrian- Lol, so what up with you.

Me- Hmmmm...

Adrian- What is it?

Me- There is this boy in my class...

Adrian- A guy's matter😂😉😉, sounds juicy 😋😋

Me- Never mind.

Adrian- Oya sorry sorry, tell me.

Me- ok, there is this guy in my class. He is really cute and all and I don't know why I got angry when I saw him and Faith talking on Friday.

Adrian- Really, I am guessing you were jeal ous which leads me to the conclusion that you like him.

Me- I don't think I like him🙄🙄

Adrian- I think you do cause I am very certain you have met several boys and this is the first one you are telling me about.

Me- I guess so.

Adrian- I think you like him and should go for him as I tell you at all times, I don't think you are too young.

Yes, you are 14 but you are also matured enough to be in senior secondary school so what else and besides you will be turning 15 in a few weeks. Hence, I feel you should go for him if you really do like him.

Me- Thanks 😀😀 Faith likes him but I don't.

Adrian- Hmmm, so that is the problem. You don't want to admit you like him cause your best friend does.

😂😂😂This sounds like a love triangle to me but you should talk to her about it and stop denying.

Me- 🙄🙄🙄Whatever, thanks anyways.

Adrain- Yea, you are welcome.

Me- So, how are your girlfriends.

Adrian- They are all fine.😘😘

Adrian is now offline.

"Mummy, so what have you decided on eating." I asked her.

"When I asked you, shebi you were pressing your phone. Keep on chatting with your boyfriend's shogbo (You hear.) That's what you will eat tonight." She said and I could tell she was angry.

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