Chapter 7

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I started my three days fasting and prayer for my mom on Thursday but, I also made sure she didnt find out since I still wanted my feeding money so I could save it.

My day went as fast as it could as I exempt myself from any strenuous activities or play so I wouldnt be so tired. I was waiting outside for Tayo and Faith after closing so that we could go home when Faith came to meet me outside, without her bag or Tayo.

Where is Tayo? Arent we going home yet? I asked her as I wondered what was happening.

Hmm She hesitated

What is it? I asked, impatiently.

Well, I and Tayo wants to read together. So, you can go home. She said as I tried to make sense of what she was saying.

What do you mean? I asked her as I felt like my whole world was crashing down on me. Did my best friend just choose the guy I liked over me?

Erhmmm what I meant was that you should go home and read. She said, trying to make excuses for herself.

Really? I said, chuckling.

Was that really what you meant or you are telling me to get lost that you want to spend some quality time with Tayo. I said, as I felt the anger that has been building in my mind unleash and I begged her with my eyes to stop talking so I wouldnt say things I dont mean but she was blind to my pleading.

And so, what if I want to? I know you like him but dont be selfish Enitan. I like him too and he has already shown an interest in me. She said, making me angry.

Selfish?! So, I am the one who is selfish now? Who is the one that wants to ruin her relationship with her best friend because of a guy?, who is the one that knows that her best friend likes a guy and still went after him. Was it me? Answer me Faith! I shouted in anger as I felt the tears that was about to start dropping.

Im sorry Enitan but, if what it takes for me to get Tayo is to lose our friendship then I am definitely going to do it. I am sorry. She said, hurrying inside as I watched her rush inside. I tried to hold the tears but it was impossible and I ran to the hall to cry in peace.

Are you okay? I heard everything. I heard someone say after a few minutes of crying alone and I looked up to see Bode.

What are you doing here? I asked, wiping away my teary face with my handkerchief.

Is that the way to greet a friend, you look terrible. He said, sitting beside me as we enjoyed each others company in peace.

Do you really think I am selfish? I asked him, remembering Faiths word.

No. He said, looking up at the sunny sky outside the window.

Do you think Faith is the selfish one? I asked him.

No. He responded.

Then who do you think is wrong?! I asked, frustrated.

None of you is. Your only offence was that you both fell for the same guy. He said, taking his gaze away from the sky and turning to me.

But I dont like Tayo. I stuttered.

You can keep saying that to yourself but not to me. I have watched the three of you and its clear as day that its a love triangle between the three of you. He said, very sure of himself.

Okay, lets just say I like him a little bit but still, I would never have let that ruin our friendship. Its babes before boos. I said, trying to make him understand why I was hurt by Faiths words.

Maybe you should have told her that, it doesnt matter who was wrong or right. What matters is that one of you is making an attempt to make things right. So, dont give up on her.

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