9 - Guess my life begins...

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Now as the school bell rings and I collect my things and skip out the front door. New boy and Isaac stand outside the classroom, waiting for me. Apparently, Isaac's schedule didn't match mine completely. Our last period classes are different.

"Let's go." Isaac mumbles, probably still mad his last class wasn't with me.

When he first found out, we were walking towards math the class, he walked in and the teacher immediately kicked him out claiming she wasn't excepting any new students today.

He was furious, silent but heated. I could tell he would've broke her neck if she came anywhere near him. Made me mad too honestly, class was boring without him.

We probably would've sat there coming up with ways to kill the teacher. It's fine though, we can do that later. I smile at the thought.

Isaac pouts still, walking in front of New boy and I.

"Richard, come here." New boy walks towards Isaac. My mind swims with confusion.

New boys name is Richard? Seriously?

Isaac leans in a whispers something his ear. Something he can't tell me apparently.

I don't feel any anger, I met him a few weeks ago. I can't tell him certain things either. As this thought comes to me, I still feel the sting of hurt flash through me.

I shake it off, concentrating on following the two in front of me as they continue they secret conversation.

New boy aka Richard peeks back at me, and I give him a quick wave. He nods at me and goes back to his talk with Isaac.

My mind trails off to what Isaac mentioned during lunch.

My first kill huh? That's a blunt way to put it.

I look at Isaac's back.

He changed my whole life in a less than a month.

I went from no friends to two boys at my side almost all the time, wishing my life could have some reason for it to finding one, and wanting fun to getting it.

I was really one lonely bitch, wasn't I? I always told myself I was fine and that I didn't need anyone, and that I was the crazy girl that everyone was scared of and that was good because I liked it.

But now I think I was just convincing myself that so I could get through each day.

I bump into something, bringing me out my thoughts. I look up to see Isaac and "Richard" standing still looking back at me.

"Are you okay?" New boy ask.

I feel a sensation of something nice pass through me.

"Yeah, I'm great." I smile up at both of them as Isaac nods and continues walking without us.

New boy sighs and starts behind him. I loop my arm around his and chuckle, beginning to drag him faster towards Isaac.

"Hurry up slow poke." I say, trying to jog with him walking.

"Yeah, yeah."

New boy and I eventually caught up to Jason. When we did Isaac made it a point to stand between us. New boy just sighed as usual and went on ahead.

Isaac and I finally reach the car and New boy leans against the car with his arms crossed on his chest. He looks down, spacing out, staring at the ground.

I skip over to him, leaving Isaac behind. I put my hands on his shoulders and stand in front of him, lining my feet up with his.

He looks up at me curiously. I pull him to me suddenly and hug his neck, hopping on to his body, wrapping my legs around his waist.

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