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"When the fuck did they show up?" Isaac asks Richie as we race towards the back exit.

"Like 30 minutes ago. They are disguised as security. Your guys just informed me, then I called you and here we are." Richie sighs.

Although disappointing we had to stop, Richie met us as we were heading out the school. He doesn't care about our alone time. What a bully.

"So where are we headed first?" I ask, a loop-sided grin on my face as adrenaline races through my blood.

"Richie and I already put what we need in the car. Weapons, clothes, whatever. We just need your stuff. Did you pack?" Isaac asks, the glint in his eyes growing.

He knows I packed. Why would I waste a second, when I'm preparing to be with him?

"I finished last night." I say, biting my swollen lips.

If we weren't running, I'd do something to make them swell worse. If they could turn a little more red, I think they'd match my hair.

"Good, the back exit is right up ahead. I already moved the car there before just in case of something like this happened. When we go through the doors, an alarm will go off and they'll probably come running. We just have to get out of here before they can blow a hole in our tire." Richie says, as our exit comes into sight right down the hall.

"They'll probably follow us after we leave though, so I have a car switch arranged. We just have to get to Aliza's house with them tailing us." Richie continues, as Isaac and I nod.

I see why Isaac doesn't kill this guy. He doesn't just have a smart mouth.

We reach the doors, bursting through them as the blaring alarm goes off. The black car sits in front of us and Richie takes out the keys, pressing a button to unlock it. Isaac and I hop in the backseat, our eyes meeting as we exchange smirks.

"We'll cover you, ok? Just don't get into an accident we your crazy ass driving." Isaac says, reaching over to the boot and grabbing two machine guns, handing me one.

"Oh, shut up. You won't die." The car takes a massive curve, bouncing as the tires run over the sidewalk while we speed out of the premise. Isaac and I are tossed around in the backseat as I fall onto his lap.

"No, seriously Richie don't kill us, just yet." I say, as Isaac's arm wraps around my waist. I grin as his lips brush my ear.

"It wouldn't be too bad, dying with you in my arms." He breathes against my skin, sending shivers down to my toes.

"I'd have to be the one behind the gun. If not, I would have to hunt down the bastard." I say, bringing my hand up, grazing his cheek.

"That doesn't sound too bad either." Isaac leans into me, pushing my chin closer to his face as his lips descend onto mine. A gunshot shatters the back window, as Isaac and I flinch.

"Can you two save this for fucking later?! I told you they'd be after us and you said you'd cover me, so do it!" Richie yells. Isaac meets my eyes and we stare at each other for a minute, then burst out laughing. Richie groans, taking another sharp turn on purpose. My back hits the door as Isaac hovers over me.

"We get it. Whatever." Isaac says, smirking at me and handing me my gun again. I nod.

"Whoever gets the most kills should get a reward, right? And if you lose, you get a punishment." Isaac whispers to me as we set our guns against the top of the back seats, aiming out the now open, window.

I smirk wide, the trill inside my heart doubling as he settles back in his position.

I'd love to win but punishment sounds fun too.

I want to punish Isaac.

I nod, scoffing as another round of gunshots come from the car tailing us. I squint, aiming at the man in the passenger seat as he holds a gun. My finger waits on the trigger about to fire, but a hole in the man's head appears suddenly. I turn to Isaac.

"That was my kill." I say, narrowing my eyes at him with a frown.

I have to have my fun.

"This is a game I don't want to lose, Aliza. Sorry." He shoots again, gazing the drivers arm. My gaze goes back to the car as well, as I ready my gun, finger still on the trigger.

Isaac really is too much fun. Way too much.

I let my bullets rip as one of the three men in the back, shooting out the window, goes limp. Dead.

One: Aliza, one: Isaac.

I continue to aim in the back row, as they let out their shoots. My ear is barely nicked. My gun turns to him and he lays in the car, probably leaving a pool of blood. There's so close behind us, it's like watching a movie.

One: Aliza, two: Isaac.

"He shouldn't have been aiming for you. What if that wound on your ear scars?" Isaac says with furrowed eyebrows.

Aw, he killed him cause I got a little boo boo. That's my job, though.

I take out the last gunman and the front tires, as the car falls behind. I aim for the driver and blast a hole into his skull as we drive away. Turning back towards Isaac, I put my gun down and crawl closer to his face.

Three: Aliza, two: Isaac.

"I win..." I say, climbing into his lap and pushing him deeper into the seat. Straddling him, I let my finger move along his bottom lip.

"...so what do I do to you?"
56.1k - 7/26/20

Thanks for the support!!! Love to see this book get any type of anything.

Next update in three days.


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