Chapter Eighteen

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They found the Easter bunny, but there was a long line. It had to be done, so they decided to wait there. It seems that everybody in Colorado was meeting the Easter bunny today.

While standing in line, Molly grabbed Alyssa's arm. "We need to talk. Now!" She turned to Spencer and said, "I'm stealing your wife for a moment. Stand here with Matthew."

Alyssa didn't even get to protest because Molly drug her from the crowd. She took her outside where nobody was around.

"Molly! What are you doing? Why are we outside?" Alyssa screamed.

"You tell me what you are doing. I brought you out here because I know you haven't told him your secret. I didn't want Spencer to hear all of this."

Alyssa shook her head. "What are you talking about Molly? What do you mean by 'what am I doing?'"

Molly hung her head. "Alyssa, don't play dumb. You seriously don't think you can hide it from me can you?"

Alyssa stared at Molly. She clenched then unclenched her fists. "What am I hiding? What is there to hide?"

"Seriously, Alyssa." Molly held her shoulders. "I can tell you are sick. You can't hide it from me. I saw it when you walked up."

Alyssa put her face in her hands. Of course Molly would know when she was sick.

"Lys, tell me. How long has this sickness been going on?"

Alyssa thought about it. "Since this morning, I believe. I've been fine before then. It might have been the cereal we ate for breakfast. I don't normally eat it."

Molly shook her head. "No. It's not cereal. Have you thrown up?"

Alyssa nodded. "Twice this morning. I tried to hide it from Spencer, but he was so close behind me that he saw."

"He was behind you? In your bathroom? You two are in the same room now?"

Alyssa blushed. "Really, Molly. We are married it is time we started acting like it."

Molly shook her head. "Alyssa, that is not what I am getting at. I don't think this was cereal. If you and Spencer are living like a married couple, then...." She trailed off.

Alyssa gasped. "Molly! What? Don't make me talk about that!"

"Alyssa, just listen to me. You guys are living as a married couple. You sleep together. I have noticed the very close proximity between the two of you, so I noticed that more has gone on." She paused. "Does he know about your health condition yet?"

Alyssa shook her head.

"Alyssa, I think he needs to know. He needs to know soon because I think you may be pregnant."

Alyssa stood there and stared at Molly. No. No. This can't be happening. She can't be pregnant.

Molly grabbed her hands, "Lys, you need to make a doctor's appointment. You have to be sure everything is alright."

Alyssa shook her head. "I can't. Not now. It will ruin our evening. I need to talk with Spencer, but not today. Maybe I can wait until after the holiday. I'll call a doctor and get it scheduled. Whenever I find out the results, I will talk to Spencer. I just need some time." She was shaking.

Molly wrapped her arms around her friend. "Everything will be okay. You have people who love you. We will all support you." She looked to Alyssa. "Now, how about we get back to your boys. Matthew should be close to the Easter bunny now. You don't want to miss that."

Alyssa nodded and dried her eyes. "Okay. I'm good. Let's go to my boys."

Her boys. Her boys that she was keeping a secret from. She was such a bad wife and mother. Neither one of them deserved her, but she was going to do what it took to remain strong. She just had to make it through the day.

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