Chapter Twenty Two

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Spencer was confused. The address Molly gave him was for a cemetery. Why would Alyssa come here?

He turned in to the cemetery and spotted her car. He sighed with relief. "Thank you, Molly. Thank you."

He searched for Alyssa and spotted her sitting beside a headstone. He walked to her and said, "Alyssa."

She looked up and became tense. "Spencer. What? How did you know I was here?"

He came up beside her. "I saw your note. I did the first thing that came to mind. I called Molly. She came to the house and sent me here." He looked at the headstone she was sitting beside. He noticed it belonged to a baby. A baby that must have been stillborn. The name on it was Matthew.

He pointed to the stone. "Tell me. I want the entire story."

She didn't hesitate. "I was sixteen years old. I was pregnant. I had been raped, but I decided to keep my baby. My entire pregnancy was perfect. I found out it was a boy and decided to name him Matthew Cade. Even though I was young, I was ready for him. I wanted to love someone. I wanted someone to accept me for me. At 26 weeks, I was rushed to the emergency room. I was loosing my baby. When we arrived, it was too late. Matthew was gone. I was then diagnosed with bone cancer." She paused and dried her eyes. Spencer grabbed her hand. "My doctor told me I would never have more children. I was devastated. I battled this cancer for two years. It almost took me. When my doctor cleared me, I decided I would check into foster care. I wanted a baby. When I got the call about Matthew, it was a miracle. It felt like I had my Matthew. I never treated him any different. I knew there was a chance I would lose him, but is still wanted him. When you came, my world changed. I had a different outlook on things." She shook her head and looked at the headstone. "I could have another child lying here soon. I can't do that to you."

He held her face and wiped away her tears. "Alyssa, sweetheart. You are doing nothing to me. I love you. When I read your note, I cried. I haven't cried in a long time. The only thing you are doing is making me a better man. I'm not going anywhere."

She shook her head. "I don't want to hurt you. Spencer, I could die."

"No, Alyssa." He cried. "You will not die. You are the strongest woman I have ever met. You fight for everything you believe in. Since you fought the doctor against abortion, I believe great things will come. Don't leave me. Please. Let me take care of you and this baby. You have never hurt me. I fall in love with you more and more every day."

She stared at him. "Are you sure about this?"

"Positive. I meant those vows at our wedding. They may have seemed silly because we didn't know each other, but they mean something to me. You are my family. We created a baby together. We will be fine because we will be together."

She couldn't say anymore, so she pulled his face towards her. She claimed his lips and never wanted to let go.

She did though. She found her words. "Spencer, I have said this many times, and I always mean it. You are an amazing man. I don't deserve you, but I am going to love you forever. It is too late to change anything. I love you so much!"

He smiled. "Thank you. We are in this together. I will be there every step of the way. I'll never leave your side."

"I have my first appointment in two weeks. The doctor wants to see me very often. He wants to be sure everything is going the way it should."

"I'll be with you. I'll take off of work. I'll be there for every appointment. When I'm working, promise me you will take care of yourself."

"I promise. I don't want to lose this baby. I believe this will be my miracle baby. This baby is coming for a reason."

He crushed her to him. "I love you! More than you will ever know." He stood and grabbed her up. "Let's get home. Our son is waiting on us."

"Home. I like that. I never want to leave again." She paused. "Speaking of home. We need a bigger one. We can't fit a second child into my apartment. I barely fit you."

"We can house hunt today. I called in at work. I told them I had a family emergency."

"Can you believe it? We started this marriage without touching each other. Now, we have a growing family."

He kissed her lips. "God works in amazing ways doesn't he?"

She nodded. "And just think. All this happened because of Matthew."

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