Chapter 10

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Louis's P.O.V

Everything was spiralling out of my control. My heart is beating rapidly, becoming so agonizingly painfull i had trouble breathing.
As song as i heard her scream, I didn't think twice. I got myself off the ground, running backwards towards her. Holding her up bridal style, my balance off because her foot was trapped, she couldn't take the pain.


She began to close her eyes, practically on the verge of blacking out, I still hold on tightly to her, my arm around her back and my hand on her head.

"Clementine"??!! "Clem"!

Dread and fear began to course through my veins.
Please wake up
I could hear their footsteps close on us both.

I could see two girls approach us, sprinting.

I will NOT let her go.

I prepare myself for the worst, I kneel down and grab 'Chairles', dropping him before to grab her. I guard her,tilting her away from the people that were chasing us. Tears began to spring to my eyes. They are now infront of us both.

"Stay the FUCK AWAY FROM US"! I roar at them.

"Your comin with us". A girl says.
She was quite slender, black hair with her fringe died white, the tone in her voice also led me to believe she was half indian, half american.
(I made a mistake in the last chapter i though the new girl from the leaks was called sacha but her name is Asha 😝 sorry!)


"From the looks of things that girl ain't looking too hot, we can bring her back to our community and"-

"I'm not going ANYWHERE with you".
I say cutting the other girl of mid sentence, she had a hair band, and wore a similar looking jacket to clementine.

"You ain't got much of a choice".

"If we let you both go how far will she last"? "Even if you manage to stabilize her she might not ever be able to walk again".

"Your the reason she is ever hurt".

I stare them out, still holding onto my girl, I see them look over my shoulder, not letting my eye wonder of them.

"Thomas"! One girl shouts out.

I feel nothing but a sharp pain radiate throught my skull, knocking me hard on the ground, all i see is the darkness.

Clementine's P.O.V

I start to regain my consciousness, I blink my eyes open, I harsh light blinding me mercilessly. I groan.
I realize i am again on a bed. I guess it's better than the floor.
Where is Louis?
I shoot my head up, trying to get up i wince, clasping onto my ankle. Fuck.

"Clementine lay down".
A voice says. A woman.

I look over to the corner of thr room.


"Rest, clementine, your going to need it".

She says smoking the last of her cigarette, putting it out as I start to crawl to my elbows, holding me up to face her.

"Why the hell am i here lily"?
"Where's Louis"?!
I ask enraged.

"Clementine your in my house".
"I though it would be a good idea to talk, talk about....things.


"We got nothing to talk about".
"Tell me where Louis is"!

I see her bow her head into her hands, trembling, looking...vunarable.

Don't Let Me Go  (COMPLETE)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora