Chapter 26

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(Also VERY long Chapter ahead)
Enjoy 😽
Just finished writing...
Holy shit I'm dead.
Next Chapter tomorrow morning. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting.

Clementine's P.O.V

A little while after laying carelessly besides Louis, fluttering my eyes open, I first notice my handsome man laying gently on my chest, breathing ever so lighty. He looked so peacefull and untroubled. Considering the hell he went through today,
He was a goddamn fighter.
I could have never been as strong as him. He really was...Special.
I smile exceedingly. Lovingly. Feeling his somnolent body warm mine, his steady benevolent heart beat skipping in perfect time with mine.
The moment was so perfect.
Moving my hand away from the blankets that protected and covered his back, I feel his smooth hand touch mine.
Holding on, he grins, although he was still asleep.

"Hey Clem". Gen smiles pleasantly, walking over to our bed.

"Hey". I whisper, not wanting to wake Louis. He needed all the rest he could.

"Ash asked me out on a date". She mumbles, making me giggle.
I knew they were going to hook up. Eventually.

"Doesn't suprise me". We both chuckle as she leans against the bunkbeds post.

"No one can sleep, at least he's resting".

"Yeah"...My voice trailing of.
As I look down at him, I couldn't speak, if we ever get out of this dreadful and hellish place, I'm going to take care of him until my feet can't go anymore.
I wanted to take him away from all of this so badly.

"He's really cute you know".
She jokes, making me blush.

"If only all of us could feel so free in our sleep".

"I hope we get out, we have to"...
I mutter, hinting in slight despair.

"It's gonna be a Bloodbath".
"Lily and Jill had a good point".
"Bates will stop at nothing to-"
Her voice cracking halfway through, a sense a deep sadness.
A secret.

"Gen"?..."What's wrong-"

"What did Bates mean when he said you've 'Learnt your Lesson' back out in the yard"? She asks

I was so afraid to tell her the truth, I couldn't even tell Louis.

"I-". "He- he hit me". I whisper, swallowing hard as I begin to spill the beans.

"That's not all, is it". Crossing her arms. Silence getting the better of us, she looks to me.

"It was a while ago".
"When I was first brought here".
"He- he made me him".
Genevieve wincing, her head bows in shame. I could feel her discomfort.
I wasn't the first?

"I wanted to kill him so bad".

"Weren't you afraid"? I whimper

"I didn't have a person in the world I cared about left, they all died either protecting me, or because they were just fucking stupid".
"I remember it so vividly, like it was yesterday, his filthy hands on my body, using me like I was trash, his property, to use whenever he felt that urge, until one day, he just walked passed me to some other poor new girl and that's when I stopped caring".
"I didn't have anyone left".
"So I faught, I raged, not giving a flying fuck".

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