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I was home alone looking out my bedroom window into the moon, drinking away the empty feeling that I felt. "Elijah?" I turned around to see Amadine standing in front of me.  "Amadine?? You finally decided to come back ho-"

"You hurt me Elijah." She said while cutting me off. The look in her eyes were filled with disappointment and pain.  "I'm sorry I didn't try to, I wasn't in my right mind." I took a step towards her but she stepped back.  "Amadine...I'm sorry."


"No!! You don't get to just say sorry and expect me to be okay with it." I said as I tried to hold back my tears. "You. Hurt me Elijah, and you stood and watched as I cried out in pain." The look on his face was solid and it pissed me off. "Listen to me Amy it wasn't on pur-"

"NO LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE!! You beat me and you almost killed me. You left me when I needed you the most!! Instead of fighting your insanity you turned it off and you hurt ME!! I DIDN'T ASK FOR ANY OF THIS ELIJAH!!" He threw the bottle of liquor and the glass shattered on the floor.

The tension in the room was suffocating me, I felt like I couldn't breathe. "YOU LEFT ME FIRST AMY!!! WHEN I NEEDED YOU YOU LEFT ME AND SAID I WAS A MONSTER!! DON'T YOU SEE YOU'RE THE REASON IM BEING THIS WAY!!" We were face to face and eye to eye.

"When you left I couldn't handle how empty it made me feel. I felt like I wanted to die and no matter how many people I killed, how many people I fed on the feeling just got stronger. You don't understand how much I loved you Amadine. YOU!! LEFT!! ME!!"

His words hit me like a ton of bricks I couldn't grasp it completely. "You said used to, yo-you don't love me anymore?" I said as I kept trying to fight my tears. "I stopped loving you when you left me alone and didn't come back." There was a new pain in my chest that I couldn't describe.

It felt like I was drowning and being hit by a truck all at once.

"But I came back to you and I love you Elijah,  I CAME BACK!!" In an instant I was pinned against the wall with his fist around my throat. "If you loved me you wouldn't have left me, I trusted that you'd stay and help me through it but you didn't."

"Why didn't you believe that I'd get better?" There were rivers of tears falling from his face as he spoke to me. "You hurt me, you lost your mind and you hurt me Eli." His eyes grew tiny little veins under them and i found myself touching them. He still had his fist around my throat but he wasn't choking me.

"Amy I didn't me-" I kissed him harder than I've ever kissed him before. He bit my lip causing it to bleed. "I'm sor-" Just as I was saying sorry he tossed us onto the bed and took off our clothes. I looked up at him and his vampire teeth showed. He didn't do anything but look at me, I could tell he felt guilty about wanting to feed on me.

"It's okay I want you to do it." He paused for a second then bit down on my lower neck. I whimpered in pain then it suddenly turned into pleasure. He was making love to me while drinking my blood. Our hands intertwined with each other as waves of pain and pleasure filled my body.

Tears fell from my eyes from the overpowering feeling I was getting. My heart felt like it was being torn apart and put back together over and over. He was torturing again only this time he tortured both of us. I could feel his soul dancing with mine to the sound of our heartbeats. I hated it but I loved it as well.

His soul cried out for trust and acceptance as mine cried out for love and care. We were each other's drug yet each other's rehabilitation. No matter how much I run from him I'd always come back.

We both reached our peeks and it felt like a thousand wild fires in my veins. Tears rolled down my face like oceans as we lay there hugging each other.

He quickly fell asleep with me in his arms. I could have ran again but I didn't want to. I wanted to stay and so I did. I don't wanna run from him anymore. I won't.

Even if its gonna kill me, I'm not leaving.

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