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"Okay all I have to do now is add a drop of my blood." I pricked my finger and added the blood to the burning candle before me. The candle went out and it felt like I was waiting forever. Then suddenly her eyes opened with a loud gasp. "It worked."


I looked around the room and spotted Liam as I stood up. Using my powers I sent him flying across the room. I slowly walked out of the door right into a long hall. Not knowing which way to go I chose to go right. When I walked out the door of the building I spotted the streets.

Just as my foot touched the gravel I ran. Ran like my life depended on it. I was stopped in my tracks when a figure that looked exactly like Xavier was standing before me. Looking around I realized that it was him, well his spirit rather. I quickly turned and ran until I spotted a fence.

I cut my arm as I jumped over it landing on my feet. Something about this side of the fence frightened me, I didn't know why. Walking further from the fence itself I heard a voice. It was Xavier again, I was hallucinating but it didn't stop me from running. The cold grass burned at my feet as they hit the ground, running from my own mind.

I ran until I came into the city. I could hear people whispering and gasping as they saw me. My body had blood all over it from my death, so them being afraid wasn't a surprise. Looking into the glare of a glass window at myself I knew exactly where to go. I turned my heels to walk away but someone stopped me.

Not wanting to talk I sent pain through her body causing her to fall to her knees. There was a man looking at me as if I was crazy. He was scared of me as well.

I looked up to see a clock and it was becoming late out. The noice around me was driving me insane it was so loud. Looking down at my cut I regretted jumping the fence. The moon was full which meant I needed to be on high alert. "Great the night I decide to come back is the night that wolves come out."

As I walked along the lonely highway I heard more whispering.

The air was crisp as unwanted smoke filled my lungs. The road was becoming filled with a thick cloud of fog, but even thicker around me. I looked around to see if anyone was there, and when I turned back around it was his face again. His eyes were red like fire and blood this time.

"Run, now!!" His voice sounded alarming and I knew to run.

I knew where he was sending me, I headed straight for Avaldore's home. When I got there I noticed wolves and vampires everywhere. One vampire had spotted me and so did the others. Using my powers I sent a few of them flying but it didn't stop the rest.

They were all charging at me as I sent them flying and falling in pain. I could tell Xavier was with me as well, but how? How was he here, he wanted me dead. I held my hand up, inflicting pain on most while others stopped in their tracks.

It felt like my veins was in fire the more power I used . I was gaining expression and the angrier I got I knew it'd take over.

My fear and anger was taking over me as wolves growled at me and vampires showed their fangs. They wanted me to make a move so I did. I sent a energy wave towards them all causing them all to fall in pain. Looking around I noticed they were all down, not dead but in a lot of pain.

When I walked to the doorstep I hesitantly knocked on the big wooden door before me. The door swung open and it was Elijah, Alaríc and Emmanuel.

"Hello Avaldore brothers." They all looked at me in shock and alarm.


To Be Continued. Thanks For Reading. Comment & Vote.

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