Haunted By My Sisters Doll

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So, when I was a little kid, about 8 years old, I lived in this apartment with my family. There was nothing crazy about the place where we lived. One day at daycare a group of friends got together and started to talk about movies. One of the movies was Chucky the killer doll which just freaked me out, and I started to hate dolls.

Lucky for me, we had no dolls at home: The only thing close to a doll was a Barbie, which was no big deal. That was till Christmas came around and my sister got two porcelain dolls and a big rag doll and I'm freaking out on the inside.

So after my sister got the dolls, I had this fear of the porcelain doll coming to life. Every time I went in her room to play with the dreamcast, I would turn the boxes around making them face the wall. Sometimes I would play with my sister and her rag doll and it had a nice face. Nothing to freak out about, well,until my sister put makeup all over it-- ten it was a little odd looking.

But here is where it gets creepy and would forever change my life. My mom would let me stay home alone sometimes when she went shopping or whatever. Odd stuff would happen, Like I would get cuts on my knee or hands. Nothing too bad, but I never knew how it happened because I wasn't doing anything but watching TV. If I fell asleep I woke up with red marks on my back like little scratched but no pain. I will never forget this day ever in my life because it scared me so bad that even thinking about it puts me in an emotional state.

My mom had to go back to work for a little and took my sister with her, but I wanted to stay home and paly the dreamcast in her room. After they left, I got something to eat, and then went in her room. I got a chill down my spine and knew something was not right. Maybe it was because the porcelain dolls were looking at me. The rag doll was facing the wall on my sisters bed.

As I made my way to turn the dolls around, I hear a little girl laugh and it was clear as day. I look at the rag doll, frozen in fear. It started to move and turn my way, but before I could see its face, I ran out the room to my own. I kept the door shut until my mom got home. I ran up to her for a hug and told her what happened, but she didn't believe me. Next thing I know, my sister is mad because her rag doll was on the ground after I knocked it down and did not pick it up. The next day I took the doll to the dumpster and never saw it again.

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