Home Alone.. I think

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Let me give some background before I tell this story. At the time, I was a senior in highschool and where I live you can choose to go during the day or at night.  Anyway, I chose night school because I was a teenager that hated waking up early. I went to work during the day  but I worked at a local law firm and could go in and leave whenever I pleased.

I should also add that my family has done some remodeling in this house, tore down walls, added new ones, gutted the whole kitchen and bathroom and built them again.

Anyway, I had a terrible headache that day so I didn't go into work that morning. I was laying im bed, sleeping on my back, with a pillow over my face because it was bright in my room. I hear my door open, and it sorta wakes me up. I continue laying there because I'm still half asleep and I don't care enough to take the pillow off my face. Then I feel pressure on my stomach like someone is poking me with two or three fingers, which makes me twitch pretty hard, and it's like whatever poked me realized something living was under the covers, and needed to get out so I hear....footsteps?

I live in an old house, and we have creaky hardwood floors. So if this was a human, I would hear creaking from the weight on the hardwood floors. But these steps didn't creak or sound like footsteps. It sounds like pitter patter. The noise clearly goes out of my room, and my door slams shut.

So now I'm fully awake, and I think my mom is home for lunch and that she's clearly the one that came in my room and poked me. Actually, I was kinda pissed that she slammed my door when she knew I had a headache. I go check my phone and realize it's only 10 am, my mom's lunch time isn't until 12.

I call my mom, and ask her if she was just in the house, she's like wtf no, I'm still at work why? I tell her what just happened, and she tells me to walk around the house with our big ass dog named Detroit. He was a guard dog and he was mean as hell, and huge. My step-dad poured concrete and would take him to work with him, but he had to keep him chained up to his truck because everyone was scared of him.

So I know if this was a person Detroit didn't know, basically, he would've already attacked him. Back to the story, I apparently grew balls in that time and walked around the house with Bubba. He didn't seem freaked out, no one was in there, so I called back and said I didn't see anything. But as I'm sitting there the realization of what just happened, and the weird footsteps start to sink in, and I'm getting all kinds of weird creepy vibes.

So I'm sitting in my room, starting to panic out of no where, and my door slowly opens. Basically I ~nope~ and get the heck out of there through a different door that goes outside. Almost immediately once I get outside, I feel better and can start to breath again.

I call my mom back, tell her what happened, and she comes home to look through the house with me. She gets there, and we're standing in the living room when the door handle on one of the doors going to a closet starts to jiggle very violently. Obviously, we leave. I go to my mom's work with her in my pajamas because I'm not staying in that house by myself.

After she gets off work, we tell my step-dad and he thinks I was dreaming for the poking bit, and the rest was just wind??? But now he believes me, because they've had other things happen. Like pans flying across the kitchen, stuff randomly falling from walls, their new (and evil) cat freaking out randomly for no reason, just acting scared.

That was the only time I was ever scared in my house. Parents still live there, I moved out with my boyfriend after I graduated, but I go there all the time, and still haven't gotten a weird vibe since then.

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