30| Calls & Confessions

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She's the kind of high only a deep soul can get stoned to❞ 

❝She's the kind of high only a deep soul can get stoned to❞ 

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He didn't pick up.

I was not surprised, not even the slightest. But he would be, when he'll realize that, I am way more stubborn than him. I will continue calling him, until he finally gives in and picks up.

-or that's what I thought.

But, it was my eleventh call and that little bubble of hope in me was slowly dying, with the increasing amount of calls. My ears too were bleeding from hearing that empty ringing.

If he didn't answer this time, then I am not going to call him again. I chanted in my mind, anxiously.

One last time. Just one more disappointment. Then no more second chances.

Exhaling out loud, I pressed the call button one last time, before putting it against my right ear. Again that annoying ringing vibrated against me as my heart started beating, loudly. One last time

Disappointment mocked me as the ringing continued. Closing my eyes, I was about to cut the call, when his guttural voice perked from the other side "Hello?"

I was caught off guard, the nerves in me twisting and realized that I didn't even reply as he asked again "Hello?"

"Hey, Ethan. It's me Winter" I whispered in the dark.

"I know" His voice didn't show any emotion, just blankly stated.

"Were you asleep?" I asked hesitantly and glanced at the window, from where the air was giddily barging in, trying to hear our conversation.

"No, I was in a coma, thanks for rescuing me." He sarcastically remarked.

I frowned, sinking deeply in my bed and muttered "Um well, then I guess, I'll call you tomorrow or something. Go back to sleep, I didn't mean to disturb you"

"No, it's alright" I heard some shuffling, before his silky voice continued "So, why did you call?"

Staring at the ceiling, I battled with my brain and rummaged through my heart, searching for the words "Yeah about that. Well, uh you see, I wanted to apologize for my behavior. It was a low blow really and I shouldn't have said that. I would've talked to you sooner, but you were kinda ignoring me, though that's okay too. I know it's my fau-"

"Easy there, tiger. Take a deep breathe" His soft husky chuckled, interrupted my ramble as I cursed myself in my head.

"Erm sorry?"

"You are forgiven" He told me and solace filled my heart, giving it a jittery feeling.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and still mind blown, I asked "What? Just like that? Are you kidding me?"

His soft humming responded, before he said "No, I am not. You are forgiven, besides life is too short to hold grudges anyways"

Feeling warm and awfully calm, I let out "Wow, well that was easy"

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