3. The Date

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Mansi had one night to decide if she wanted to go ahead with the wedding under the given circumstances but there was actually not much to decide. She knew no one would understand her and especially not her family so the truth was she was just kidding herself by thinking she had a say.

It was a bright and sunny Monday morning and Mansi woke up in good spirits but soon the events of yesterday rushed back to her and that was the end of her chirpy mood. She got out of bed moodily and went about her morning routine. She had to go to college today so she wore a pair of beige formal pants and a maroon ruffled formal top pairing it with maroon kitten heels. Meanwhile, Amit hadn't left her thoughts since she had gotten up.

As she made her way towards the dining room to grab some breakfast, her phone started ringing. Mansi smiled on seeing the name of her best friend flash across the screen.

"Hey babe," Swati chirped from the other side before Mansi could say 'Hello'. Mansi giggled and said 'Hi'.

"I'm coming to pick you up in ten! Be ready! Bye," with this Swati kept the call. Mansi giggled and rushed through her oats and milk breakfast.

True to her word, Swati honked outside Mansi's house in exactly ten minutes.

Mansi had a small group of friends, five people in total. Mansi, Swati, Aditi, Aryan and Ram. They had instantly connected during the orientation and had been inseparable since then. Swati, a firm believer in carpooling had gone out of the way to pick everyone up today and Mansi was the last stop before college.

It was a quick ride where everyone was discussing their long weekend. Mansi kept quite. She wanted to tell her friends about her marriage but yesterday's talk had made her less excited about the idea.

The lectures started as usual and as Mansi got engrossed in taking notes, she finally forgot about Amit and the situation for a while. As the bell rang to Mark the end of the fourth lecture, everyone took a sigh of relief. Finally, it was lunch!

Mansi took out her phone after packing her things up and saw that she had seven new messages from an unknown number.


Hey, Amit this side


I was wondering if we can have lunch together?


I will pick you up from your college and will drop you off in an hour before the lunch hour ends


Waiting for your reply




It's okay if you want to spend time with your friends, just let me know if you are coming or not



Mansi didn't know what to say. She had definitely not expected this but her panic was short-lived as her phone started to ring; Amit was calling her.

"Hi Amit," Mansi tried to sound as normal as possible as she received the call.

"Hi Mansi," Amit said from the other side. "Did you get my messages?"

"Yes, I...I just saw them. I was just about to reply!" Mansi stuttered panic kicking in as she had not decided what she wanted to do if she wanted to go or not.

"Oh, okay! And..." Amit asked. Mansi smiled at his gesture and before she knew it she had agreed to meet him and was walking towards the college gate.

Amit was waiting for her in his car and got out to get her. "Hi," Mansi greeted him, blushing a little. Amit was looking extremely handsome in a pair of blackouts and a formal pink shirt.

"Hey," Amit greeted. "So, since your lunch break is just for an hour, I picked out a cafe nearby. I don't know how it will be but the reviews are good and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for it to turn out to be good because I really don't want the first date to be bad.."

Mansi blushed crimson at his words. So this was a date!

They reached their destination and Mansi was happy to see Amit's selection. They had come to Cafe Mocha which was a favourite hangout place with Mansi and her friends. Amit parked the car and they made their way inside. The manager approached them and Amit asked them for a table for two.

They were seated at the best spot in the whole cafe. It was near the window which overlooked the pool. They ordered their food and just like yesterday silence fell between them but Mansi had a lot of nagging questions so she decided to take matters in her own hands, "Let's play a game." Mansi said.

Amit was intrigued. He was surprised at this but a smile spread across his face as he looked at her, "Okay?"

"20 questions! I will start," Mansi replied.

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