Part 26: Blood bath

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The closing hours of life are like the end of a masquerade party, when the masks are dropped.

-Cesare Pavese

"My lord!" Her voice sounded hoarse as she entered, her body trembling with anxiety as she looked at the man in front of her. With those eyes filled in nauseating and despicable kind of appetite for erotism that all she wanted to do was to abscond and flee before the lecherous old man can put his hands on her.

But he will, she knew. And that nothing can stop him now that she was here alone in his presence. She closed her eyes as soon as the last lamp was dosed, she knew what was coming next and she was right!

With the room enveloped in utter darkness, all Sunayna was left with were her senses and she could feel his warm breath behind her back, sucking in a deep breath, she waited in silence.

"Where's your sister?"

"Coming in a moment." Oh! How did that statement left her throat with a sickening rancidity and her body with abhorrent and horrid ache. 'No, she sister wasn't coming. And she never will!' Sunayna will make sure of that.

"Good." Was all he said to her in answer before attacking her neck like a madman, biting, licking, kissing and all she wanted to do was to cry, yet she did not.

He grabbed her arse-cheek over her dress, parted them, stretched them and pinched them rentlessly. "Shouldn't you be punished for what you did in court today, eh?"

"And I have the best scheme in mind to do that." He breathed down her ear. "How would you like to be punished alongside your little sister on that bed..."

'No! No! NO!' She tried stop hearing to his scandalous and shameful words. 'It was unspeakable! Vulgar! And heinous to even imagine something like that....'

'No!' She must stop thinking and start acting now. Slowly, she stumbled across the room towards the bed as he continued his onslaught on her body, to brave it all alone. Her sister must stay out of it at all costs.

He continued his intolerable, nasty comments as they laid together in the bed, his hands now twisting and torturing her full bosom. "Let her arrive and then I will show you...."

Synayna knew there would be no soldier standing guard outside tonight after all the King never wants anyone else to hear his dirty sounds in bed, so she waited no longer in grabbing the pillow behind her back and rammed it straight over the old bastard's face with all her might, pressing it over with every ounce of power she held. When the two large hands came out in front of her to grip her throat and started to choke her to death.

'arghh..' The man had started to struggle and there was no way Synayna could hold it any longer in front of his power, he was still a well built man, no matter how old. Her breath was cut off, the pressure so high that a little more and she was sure her neck would snap in two. Yet, somehow in that daze she pulled the dagger out of her skirt folds and plunged it straight onto his chest, aiming to where his heart should have been.

'gghrrh..aa..'She pressed down the pillow tighter over his nose and mouth, to muffle the sounds of his screams, the grip on her neck barely slackened though causing her to feel dizzier by the moment, but that did not stop her. She sat atop his struggling legs, pressed down the pillow even tighter to cut off his air supply and when that did not suffice she pulled the dagger out and plunged it back again, even more deeper this time, and again..and again and again and again....

Until, his grip slackened around her throat and his numb arms fell back on bed, his limbs stopped moving.

The tears that she had kept at bay until now, suddenly came cascading down her eyes as she weeped, sliding away from that body and bed she sat on the floor and cried, she wailed and she screamed as time went by. She cried for her lost innocence, for being forced to spend her life like a whore with a man double her age. Cried for her sister whose life has been destroyed beyond repair and mourned for the normal life she never had.

Within moments people came  rushing in, the guards at first, the maids and workers followed  and then as the word spread like wildfire the ministers, courtiers and scholars came by to witness that un-believable gory scene of blood bath as the old king lay in his own pool of blood upon his bed, his chest tore open  with a medium sized dagger that had been no doubt plunged into his chest hundreds of time to have chopped off his chest muscles like mince meat.

And then there was her, the young queen sitting upon the floor, with her blood stained clothes, screaming and perhaps mourning for her dead husband.

The prince's were notified soon thereafter and as they reached the sence of commotion and inside a whirlwind of chaos, the queen suddenly stopped to look upon the new comers with her eyes glistening in rage, she raised her bloodied index finger to point at the younger Prince.

"It was him." She whispered. "It IS him who killed my husband!"

'She had taken her own revenge, now she will avenge her sister!'

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