Friday Night

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A/N this chapter is dedicated to lovepadfoot thank you so much for supporting me loveapaddfoot it means a lot

Previously on Prongslet

After a few minutes of pleasing Lucius finally, cave in and it was arranged for them to meet on Friday night for dinner. Lucius said that he wasn't going to come so it would only be Draco that was coming. All the kids spent the rest of the day in the park together and became really close friends. George and Fred kept making dragon jokes or did other annoying things like sitting on top of Draco when they said let's go on the Dragon Ride. It was safe to say all of them became really close



That was the doorbell of Grimmauld Palace. It was finally Friday and Ron and Fred and George were already there. They came an hour before so that they could meet Harry and so that George and Fred could plan a prank for Draco. When the doorbell finally rang they all rushed downstairs and to the door. Harry flung the door open so hard that it was a miracle that the door didn't break down.

"DRACO" Ron and Harry yelled

"DRAGON BOY" yelled George and Fred

Draco rolled his eyes and came on in. Sirius and Remus had heard the commotion and came downstairs to be met with a sight of Fred and George yelling "DON'T KILL US WITH YOUR FIRE BREATH" and pretending to shake in terror. Draco then punched then and ran off with Harry and Ron inside Harry's bedroom and locked themselves in so that George and Fred couldn't get them. Just then there was a Crack sound and a house elf appeared. "Rose?" Asked Sirius in disbelief

"Master Sirius!!. Rose has been looking everywhere for you, It wasn't till Professor Dumbledore found Rose and told her that you and Master Remus were in their old house with Master Harry. Professor Dumbledore told Rose that he was Masters secret keeper." Rose said all this in one breath

"Breathe Rose Breathe". Rose calmed down soon but was still excited

"Padfoot, who is this?" Asked Harry coming back down when he heard the crack

"Harry this is Rose, she was the nicer one of my mother's elves. She helped me escape this hell when I move to James's house" answered Sirius

"What is a house elf?" Asked Harry

"A house elf is a creature that does all the housework" answered George who followed Harry as well as Fred, Ron and Draco

"Exactly George," said Remus

"Oh and Rose please don't call us master or sir, Call me Sirius, this is Lupin and this is Harry and these redheads are Ron, George, and Fred, and this is Draco," Sirius said pointing in turn to each of them

"Draco as in Draco Malfoy?" Asked Rose

Sirius nodded

"Rose's friend Dobby serves the Malfoy family"
"Dobby does," said Draco

"you can go visit him sometimes," said Sirius

"of course you can," said Draco nodding

After saying that Draco ran upstairs with Harry, Ron, George, and Fred.

The boys played Wizards Chess 4 times and Ron won 3 out of 4 of those games, Then they played Exploding Snap 5 times. George won twice. Harry won twice and Draco won once. Then they played Gobstones 3 times. They played it in teams (George and Fred, Harry and Ron, and Draco wanted to be alone). The first 2 Harry and Ron lost against George and Fred. Then George and Fred played Draco. It was an intense game and when Draco was about to win Fred and George offered him a pepper imp.

"Oh, are we celebrating before I win?" Draco asked grinning and then eating the pepper imp. As soon as he ate the pepper imp his ears started smoking (as usual) but then he started breathing fire (not normal). Draco's fire breath was getting all over his own Gobstone pieces. All his pieces melted and after a few minutes Draco stopped breathing fire and walked over to George and Fred who were dying of laughter along with Ron and Harry.

"WE WON" shouted George and Fred

"Wait no you didn't, I accidentally melted my pieces"
"No," said Fred showing Draco the rulebook "Look it says if any dragon melts his piece the other player(s) wins by default"

"But I'm not a dragon" whined Draco

"Sure DRACO," said George

"Fine you win this time," said Draco and then walked over to Harry and Ron who were still clutching their stomachs and laughing

"IT HURTS LIKE HELL," said Ron while laughing

"SAME," said Harry who was also laughing

After 10 minutes of clutching their stomachs and breathing the boys went downstairs for lunch.

"Sorry boys," said Remus who was helping Rose with the chicken "This chicken still needs to be cooked"

Suddenly Draco hiccoughed and when he did a ball of fire came out and hit the chicken.

"or we could eat it now," said Harry and Ron together and then started laughing again. All of them started to laugh even more when they saw Draco looking like he was going to kill someone. Remus rolled his eyes and asked "What on Earth happened to Draco"

"Well," said Fred grinning "He was a dragon without his fire breath so we just gave it back to him with some dragon powder on top of pepper imps."

Remus called Sirius and when he came Remus told him what happened but instead of being mad Sirius was... Sirius. He started laughing with the other boys and high fiving them. "I taught you well," he said. Remus rolled his eyes for the millionth time and Draco asked "can I "watch" the memories in the pensive of this"

Remus nodded and then took Fred's memory of the "accident" and put it into the pensive and watched it with the others. They saw Fred and George planning the prank at home and stealing some dragon powder that his parents gave Charlie to study with. They also saw George spreading the powder on pepper imps that Fred handed him. Then they saw Draco eating the pepper imp and blowing his fire breath everywhere and Fred and George yelling "WE WON". At the end of the memory, all of them had tears in their eyes and were laughing (even Draco and Lupin). Sirius said "Best pranks by 7-year-olds" and then gave George and Fred a high five

A/N: IM BACK!!!! Thanks, guys for waiting for me I love you. What did you think of this chapter I thought that a little "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good" was needed. Well now the "mischiefs managed" and we can put away all of our wands. Thank you so much for all your comments and votes and thank you lovepadfoot for helping me and advertising this story, I really appreciate it. Check out her/his book it's really good. Also thank you so much FoxieRose and AndreaBlueMoonand 14al92 and Fullofpapers for supporting me throughout my book.  Anyways as always



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