𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖓

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     Once, there were five women who were all best friends. They lived in a quiet neighborhood in Indiana where nothing interesting ever happened. Their names were Miranda Mason, Stacey Roget, Mickinella Davis, Ashley Stevenson, and Kimberly Peterson.

     One day in early September, they all gave birth to a very unexpected child. You see, none of the friends had husbands or even boyfriends but they all wanted children so their sudden pregnancies seemed like a strange miracle. Miranda had a son and she named him Bryan. Stacey named her daughter Sheena, Mickinella named her son Nicholas, Ashley named her son, Benjamin and Kimberly named her little girl Kerstin. A year passed and as the children's hair began to grow in, their mothers noticed something peculiar about it--it was sky blue! This baffled the women and they decided to hold a meeting to discuss their children's strange characteristics.

     They met at Miranda's house and she invited them in. After fixing something for all of them to snack on, they settled in her living room and began their discussion. "Have your children stopped eating the baby food the doctor recommended to use?" asked Stacey. The other women all nodded their heads in agreement. Ashley commented on how creepy it was that all of the children's eyes were a deep blood red. They discussed the mutations in their children's hair and eye color further but could come up with no explanations. So they decided to leave it alone.

     The children flourished and grew, despite their apparent lack of appetite. One weekend many months later, Mickinella had to hire a nanny because she had to make a trip to Connecticut. Her grandfather was terribly ill and she didn't want Nicholas disturbing him. The nanny had just finished cleaning, when she saw Nicholas come crawling out through the living room and into the kitchen. She was surprised at first, but then decided to see what the toddler was after. She tiptoed to the kitchen door and opened it the tiniest crack--just enough for her to peek through. What she saw surprised her even more. Nicholas was in the broom closet hauling out the step-ladder. He placed it against the counter where she had placed some hamburger to thaw for her dinner. He climbed up and with lightning speed, tore the package open and began feasting of the raw meat.

     The housekeeper gasped loudly. At the sound, Nicholas turned. They stared at each other and the boy seemed to get a strange gleam in his eye. Suddenly, the boy plucked a knife from the block by the stove and charged the startled woman. The housekeeper slammed the kitchen door shut as the knife rammed through the flimsy wood. Not knowing what else to do, she ran upstairs. After releasing the remains of her lunch into the toilet, she hurried around the house packing up everything that belonged to her. She left, leaving only a short note on the coffee table for Mickinella.

     Mickinella returned home the next afternoon to find Nicholas sitting on the kitchen floor, innocently banging a pot and wooden spoon together. She picked him up and put him in his crib. She called for the nanny and when she got no response, searched the house and realized she had vanished. Mickinella plopped onto her lumpy sofa, wondering what had become of her housekeeper. She noticed a slip of paper lying on the table and picked it up to read:

     Dear Miss Davis,
    Due to a terrifying experience with your child, I have packed my bags and left. I don't care to explain what has happened because I know that you simply will not believe me for an instant. I am terribly sorry about leaving on such short notice, but I simply cannot handle your child any longer.


Maria A. Keplin

     It wasn't long before Mickinella learned what had happened to Maria. She was preparing to cook dinner when Nicholas came crawling through the kitchen doorway as if his mother wasn't even there. He climbed up the stepladder and once again (to the astonishment of his mother) made a gruesome feast out of the raw pork chops.

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