There is Always Good

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Chapter 20: There is Always Good

Quote of the Day: "Don't tell Allah (SWT) how big your problems are, tell your problems how big Allah (SWT) is."

A long time ago, there was a king who was out on a hunting trip. He notched an arrow to aim at the wild animal before him, when his finger slipped and he cut off a finger. Pain shot through his arm, and blood dripped from his hands. He turned to his assistant who had been beside him through the whole ordeal, "Are not going to do something?" The King demanded.

The assistant studied the King's injury and spoke, "Do not worry, for there is good in this."

The King's face grew red with anger, "Good?" He spat, "How is there good in this, my finger has been cut off you fool!" With that he ordered his assistant to the dungeon. Some time later, when his finger could heal as much as was possible, he hired a new assistant and went out on another hunting trip.

On the trip the two were ambushed by a group of cannibals. They captured the king and his new assistant and because they were cannibals, decided to eat them. However, before they could begin to cook them, marinate them and season them as they pleased, they first looked over their victims. When they saw that the King's finger had been cut off they let him go.

When the King questioned the reason as to why (not that he minded) the cannibals replied that they would not eat any imperfect humans, and since his finger was cut off, he was not in a sense "whole". The King returned to his kingdom and ventured into the dungeon where the first assistant was still imprisoned. He retold the events of his capture and began to weep, the assistant questioned as to why and the king explained.

"When my finger had been cut off, you said that there was good in this. I did not believe you but today I have my life because my finger had been cut off. You had been right, I am most sorry for imprisoning in this dreadful dungeon." The assistant smiled, "But there is good in this as well!"

The king looked at him wonderingly, "Good? But I've imprisoned you, kept you from your family and barely supplied you with any food in this dark dungeon. How could there be any good in that?"

The assistant smiled knowingly, "My king, I have no injury done to my body. Had I not been imprisoned and gone out on that second hunting trip with you, the cannibals would've eaten me. So do not regret anything--THERE IS GOOD IN EVERYTHING."

This just goes to show that Allah (SWT) has it all planned out. When you are in your mother's womb, Allah decides everything, from your birth to death. In the grand scheme, you just have to take what Allah gives you and trust that there IS good in this.

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