Chapter 10

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We walked into the kitchen hand in hand but as soon as I saw Mrs McKenzie sitting at the table I tried to wiggle my hand free from his but he held it tighter. Sherry's eyes were glued to our hands and seeing me desperately trying to break the contact made her laugh and me feel even more embarrassed. The reality that she just caught us making out in the garage hits me and I feel my face flush a deep crimson.

"Okay, maybe I did see something..." Sherry said visibly trying to suppress a grin, "its been a painful year watching you lust after her my boy, I'm glad you finally had the courage to come clean about your feelings."

"Mother!" He warned. "It's not like that." I was taken back by his words. What does he mean by it's not like that? "It's complicated..." Noah sighed. "Can we keep this between us for now?" He looked at his mother who nodded and then down at me as if asking for my permission which I had already given him. We can't risk Brooke finding out, not yet anyway because we still need to know what she has against Alan.

"Did you speak to your Dad today?" I say quietly.

Noah shakes his head, "I didn't have the chance, there was an emergency at the office."

"Emergency? Is everything okay?" I say because I'm a little worried, Noah rarely ever has emergencies at MKT so this must have been important.

"It's all under control now," Noah smiles weakly indicating that he's lying. I manage to get my hand free from his and fold my arms.

"You said no more secrets." I sigh.

He cupped my face with his hands before I had the chance to turn away, "I promise there is nothing to worry about. A minor incident with some staff that's all." He pecked my lips. I would have almost forgotten that Sherry was still standing in the kitchen if it wasn't for an 'aw' that escaped her lips.

"Where is my father?" Noah asked his Mom.

"He's in the library I believe," Sherry told us and we headed in the direction of Mr McKenzie in search of some answers. We walk up the large set of stairs to the library, a room which is all too familiar to me. This is the room I spent most of my time in when I lived here for that brief amount of time with the McKenzies.

"Nice one, Son!" Alan's voice travelled through the wall showing us that he is definitely in the library and he is with someone.

I lifted my hand to knock on the door but Noah rolled his eyes and pushed the door open. The two men didn't realise we had walked in as they were too busy playing pool. Noah cleared his throat causing both of them to turn around and face us.

"Sophia...hey!" James walked over to me and embraced me in a hug. "I didn't know you were here!" He pulled away and held me at arms length, "let me look at you. God you look amazing, Pennsylvania is doing wonders for you!"

"Back off," Noah said sternly with a hand on his brother's chest pushing him back a little. He was forced to let go of my arms.

"Woah sorry bro," James smirked. I looked over at Alan who had tensed a little and then it hit me. He thinks Noah doesn't know about who James really is. I remember Alan and Sherry specifically said that Noah would flip if he finds out but he already knows.

"You may be my brother by blood but we are not friends," Noah pushed passed him and took a seat on the couch on one side of the room. I stole a glance at Noah who had his eyes fixed on James with a death glare. I noticed that Alan was giving me a confused look, he mouthed; "he knows?" and I just nodded at him and shrugged. What else was I supposed to do?

I padded over to Noah, "I'll leave you to it. Don't miss me too much." I winked at him and walked out of the library door with James for a good catch up. I could tell that Noah didn't want me to leave, especially after the comment James just made but he didn't protest.

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