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Leah's POV

Lilith and I had planned this day for a long time. She wanted to take me to her high school for the week so I could actually experience what high school was really like, because according to her 'you have to have had at least one experience in public high school to be considered an actual teenager'. Personally, I didn't see the point in going, but she wanted to make me happy and I appreciated the effort to organise me going into the school, so I couldn't exactly say no.
She attended midtown in Queens, the same school as Peter, so I had to get up extra early to get to hers where the bus would pick us up.
Dad told me to dress down, like what normal teens would wear. So I wore jeans, a t-shirt and a flannel top over it with a baseball hat to cover my face, as well as a medical mask. I grabbed a small black backpack and shoved a notebook and a couple of pens in it, before walking out of my room and into the lobby where Happy would pick me up.
Happy and I had grown close over the months I had been back, and we had both decided to get Macca's (McDonalds) for breakfast. Although it wasn't the healthiest, both of us really wanted an egg McMuffin that morning.
We grabbed our food and ate on our way to Lilith's place. I'd never been there before, so I considered it a kind of unofficial-official meeting the parents kind of situation. She'd told me she hadn't come out to her parents yet so not to say anything about our relationship, so I had a feeling it wasn't a good situation lgbt wise at home.
As we pulled up to her apartment building, I just finished my food.
"Call me if you need anything kid. Your dads in meetings all day so I'll be able to pick you up whenever you need it, Okay?"
"Got it Happy! See ya!" I exclaimed, hopping out the car and towards the door of the building. I pressed the buzzer for the apartment and got Lilith's mother in the other end.
"Brookfield residence, who is it?" The voice spoke. Her mother's voice was hard to explain. It wasn't as smooth as Lilith's but was more watery. It was still somewhat smooth, just not as kind on the ears.
"It's Leah, Lilith's friend. I'm not sure if she told you but we're getting the bus together this morning."
"Oh yes! Lilith's just finishing breakfast. Come on up! I've always wanted to meet one of my daughters friends."
And with that, the doors to the apartment building unlocked and I slipped in.
The apartment was homely, but not like my home before, it was warm and welcoming; I couldn't believe that Lilith's parents couldn't stand the idea of queer people dating the people they loved.
"Hello, Lilith's just sitting at the kitchen counter, come in, let's have a chat."
We walked into the kitchen, it was all wooden, unlike the high tech glass and plastic one at home. The tiles where yellow and the cupboards were green. I sat at the counter with Lilith.
"Hi Lils! Ready for school?" I said, smiling at her.
"Yeah, just gonna finish my breakfast real quick and then we'll go, yeah?"
"Course, take your time, really."
I glanced over at Lilith's mother, Janet, to notice that she was staring at me.
"Is there something on my face?" I asked her, nervously.
"No, you just seem.... familiar. Like I've seen you before." She said, a frown on her face.
I laughed slightly, "I've probably been around your house before or we've passed each other in the street. Or maybe I just have one of those faces, you know?"
"Yeah, sure..." her mother replied, a suspicious look on her face.
"Well, I'm done!" Lilith announced, standing up and grabbing her bag. We both said our quick goodbyes before leaving the building as soon as possible.

Once we had rounded the corner, Lilith grabbed ahold of my hand. We smiled at each other before continuing our walk to the school. It wasn't too far from her house, about a 20 minuet walk from her apartment.
The school was huge, like a boat. Children were flooding in from all directions like the Spanish Armada surrounding the British isles.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Lilith whispered to me, before letting go of my hand. I understood, she must not be out to her school either.
"So, we are going to need to go to the main office and get you signed in and then you are spending the day with me!"
We sped to the main office, and got me signed in. I used my alias, Leah Silver, and signed in, grabbing my bag.
Then me and Lilith walked to her home room class. It was a class, not completely full, but still had quite a few people already sat down, chatting. They looked up at the two of us as we entered, their sights lingering on me for a brief amount of time before they returned to their conversations. I kept my hat on and sat down on the desk beside Lilith's.
"Leah, you cool?"
"Yeah, Yeah, just nervous. What if someone recognises me and calls the press?"
"It's not likely, teenagers are dumb as hell, probably would just want your autograph and a photo. You'll be fine, trust me." She whispered, bringing her attention to the front of the classroom where the home room teacher was now standing.

"Everyone, welcome back to school, I hope y'all had a good weekend. As you can probably can see, we have a new student with us today. I believe she will be with us for the week, seeing weather this school is the right place for her to study. Would you like to come up and tell us a bit about yourself kiddo?" He said, gesturing for me to come up to the front of the classroom.
I quickly sprung up and walked confidently to the front
"Hi, I'm Leah Silver. I moved here from Miami when my dad was transferred from Stark Miami to Stark New York. That's about it." I told them with the Stark Charm™️ before walking back to my seat.
"Well, then." The teacher sighed. "Miss Silver, can you take your hat off please? In this school, we consider it rude to wear hats indoors."
I rubbed my hands nervously, before snatching my hat off of my head and stuffing it into my bag. I was thankful I had worn the medical mask because people still couldn't see my whole face and I could pull down the mask at any point.
It was going to be a long day.

Hi guys, sorry for such a long wait. I've been revising as my mock exams are right around the corner.

It's so sad that Stan Lee died recently! It's going to be so different without him!

Leah Stark - The Unknown ChildTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang