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Whats up b's. Who's ready for another chapter ;)

Enjoy -


"A date? Is that what this is?" Y/n whispered to herself as she stared at her phone.

T- Dress nice and be ready by eight 😉💜

She seemed to freeze as she read the words again. The feeling of warmth was always there but now the need to be enough was a factor as well; something she's always struggled with.

For a while she pushed it away because she wasn't trying to look good for anyone. She had her friends and family who loved her for her.

Now she has Taehyung. Y/n knew he would love her not matter what; but there was still the undertone of fear of not being pretty enough.

He's an idol for God's sake. He could have a model that was a total goddess.

But the world chose you.

That's right it did. Was she happy? Yes. Did she love him? She hadn't spent enough time to know him personally enough. But after being a fan for so long, there's no doubt that he had captured her heart already and now that they were soulmates it makes it all 10,000× harder for her to say no to loving him. Not that she would want to say no anyways.

Taehyung was too good of a person to not love. He was a special person and maybe that's why she was drawn to him as a member first. He was instantly her bias and had been since their debut.

'Hey Rhi.... I might need your help,' She spoke up; watching as Rhi stopped mid bite of her chip to look at her.

'Finish your chip first. Gross,' Ash mumbled as she scrolled through her phone.

Yes; the other girls were here.

Y/n had been attacked with hugs as she entered the room, vividly remembering Ari's face smashed against her cheek. There was a lot of squealing and Rhi scolding everyone to let her breathe.

Now here she sat; Ari braiding Jenna's hair, Rhi eating, Ash on her phone, and herself internally freaking out over a text.

'Shut up Ashley; and what's up y/n?' Rhi asked closing the bag of chips.

'Taehyung is taking me on a date. Tonight..' 

Everyone froze; Jenna letting out a small yelp as Ari pulled her hair by accident.

'He's what?' Ash yelled; a smile playing on her lips.

'Uh yeah - I kind of don't know what to do. I haven't been on a date since the 10th grade so I'm not sure what to actually do. What if he tries to kiss me? That's what happens on dates right? I'm going to look like a total idiot; I haven't even had my first-'

Her rambling stopped suddenly as Jenna let out a gasp.

'You haven't had your first kiss yet?' She said wide eyed.

Y/n turned a beet red and went to speak. Her mouth opened but she was too embarrassed to say anything.

How could she? She was 23 and didn't even have her first kiss.

'Not many men find me attractive' She mumbled and was startled at the outburst of laughter that filled the room.

'Yeah right; I hit hoseok because he said taehyung was a lucky man' Ari replied. Y/n raised an eyebrow and Ari only did it back.

'Don't worry I do it to him all the time. I see someone attractive and I'll say something. It's something we just do' She explained and y/n hummed. Must be nice to be that comfortable and trustful of each other.

'Yeah but I highly doubt you don't have your first kiss because people found you "unattractive" ' Ash said typing something in on her phone.

'Have you seen your Twitter page?' She asked. Y/n shook her head no. She was only allowed on Snapchat and Instagram; which were both private. Even then she had endless requests. She hadn't been on in a few days due to obvious anxiety, but the last she saw she had gained over 300,000 followers within the week she wasn't with Taehyung.

'Well you have gained over 500,000 followers. I mean more than just bts fans are interested into you. The whole kpop community is. You are practically a celebrity. All the comments are on how stunning you are. It's insane' She said and handed y/n the phone.

She looked at her followers and it shook her to the core. She had already been quite popular for her designs she posted; having over 20k followers.  Now she looked at her 526k that was displayed very clearly at the top of her page. She couldn't believe it.

She clicked on her latest photo, which was over a month ago, when her life was normal, and saw the 50k comments. She knew there had to be hate In there.

'You don't have to look if you don't want to of course' Rhi spoke up. She knew how hard it could be processing such sudden fame.

'I'm good. Thank you though, I'm just really nervous. I don't think I even have the proper clothes' Y/n said and Ari only laughed.

'We're fortunately the same size. I'll pick you out a really sexy dress' Ari said wiggling her eyebrows.

Y/n couldn't have turned a deeper scarlet red at the words.

'Ari stop you're embarrassing her for god's sake' Jenna tisked at her; Ari yanking at her hair again at the comment.

'No heels this time' Y/n added quickly. They all snickered at the memory of y/n walking like bambi in the hallway.

'Okay. What time is he showing up to receive you?' Ash asked and Rhi gave her a look.

'What?' Ash said and Rhi muttered receive with a disappointed shake of her head.

'Don't make fun of my vocabulary; yoongi likes when I talk like that!' Ash defended and Rhi snorted back.

'The man has shooky underpants'

'You leave his undies out of this!'


Y/n was now wide eyed at Jenna who had shouted out. The others were quiet.

The quiet one was now the loudest. Huh.

'What time is he arriving to take you?' Jenna asked.

'Eight' Y/n replied.





The girls all seemed to stand up at once and rushed to her.

'Y/n it's almost seven!?' Ari screeched.

Well that didn't help

'Let's go girl. We've got to get you cleaned up and sexy in one hour' Ash spoke gripping her wrist and pulling her up.

'Should I be scared?' She asked the girls who only smirked.

'Oh no honey,' Rhi started.

'The one who needs to be scared is Taehyung. You're going to be the hottest little thing in New York tonight'


Hello! I know it's been a hot second and I'm sorry for the lack of update. But I'm here!

Also over 7k views!!! Thank you so much.

I love you all so much!

Signs Of A Soulmate • K.T.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt