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Dont forget! If we reach 100k by March 12th I'll get a bts tattoo you guys will vote on! So make sure to share. Only a little over 9k to go!


His hands were together, feet tapping harshly. He felt the slightest drop of sweat fall down his forehead and he quickly reached up to dab it away. His stomach churned as he heard the screams and chants.

This was it. Citi field.

He saw how big the venue is. It isn't the biggest place they performed but this is a huge deal to them. The first ever Korean act to perform here or in an american stadium.

He did not feel like messing up with how many news reporters were going to be there.

'Taehyung you look like you ate something bad; what's wrong?' Yoongi asked across from him.

'Just nervous' He replied as he let his hands stretch out and slide down his pant legs. Yoongi hummed in response as he gave him a smile.

'Don't worry. Our fans love us and they want us to have fun. Just remember that and nothing else' He told Taehyung who nodded. But he knew that wasn't the only reason why he was on the point of a mental breakdown.

Yes. He was nervous for the show, it was alot to live up to, but the reason he was terrified was the speech he was going to do. And tell y/n he loves her in front of everyone.

He knew it would be sudden. He knew that this could go totally wrong. So why is he doing it?

Because he loved y/n.

He thought of her constantly. He was so much happier with her. He couldn't even begin to explain how much he's fallen for her bright eyes and cute laugh. The way her hair was soft against fingers, but her skin hot. Her intoxicating vanilla scent that drove him crazy.

They hadn't even kissed yet.

Taehyung paused as he thought of the horrifying thought. What if he did this and she didn't even return his feelings?

Yoongi watched in curiosity as Taehyung suddenly turned pale. He never acted like this.

Yoongi wanted to say something else but then Jimin ran through the door, Jungkook not far behind. They both wore mischievous looks on their faces.

'What did you two-'


They burst into laughter as Hoseok walked through the door; his face bright red.

'I'M GOING TO-' Hoseok started but didn't finish, but instead lunged at a shocked Jungkook who squealed loudly.

'HYUNG I'M SORRY' He screeched as he was chased around the room.

Jimin laughed as he watched them, Yoongi shaking his head at the children that surrounded him.

'Don't thing I forgot about you Jimin' Hoseok said as he passed the sitting boy; Jimin only laughing in return.

'What in the world is going on here!?' A voice boomed and everyone, even Taehyung who was deep in thought, jumped.

All five boys looked at Namjoon who stood in the doorway, Jin behind him typing away on his phone.

'Jimin said too-'
'He started it-'
'I didn't do it-'

Jimin looked at Jungkook and cursed at him for throwing him under the bus.

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