A Tip to Get Votes

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Ever wonder how to get more votes?

As long as your book is decent, and especially if you've learned the skills in the other chapters in this book, there's one more simple thing you can do in each chapter to get more votes.

Ask for them!

I'm not saying to break the rule of no asking for votes. That'll get you banned.

Instead, at the end of each chapter, say, "If you liked this chapter, please vote for it!" (Or something similar to that)

That's a legal way to get votes without breaking any rules.

I know that sounds simple but it  actually works, and I'm not the only one out there saying that. A lot of people don't think to vote for chapters they like. So that little reminder at the end of the chapter is all they need.

Now go add that to each of your chapters and watch your votes go up a little more with new reads.

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