19: broken hearts

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Alex's P.O.V

Violets screaming is driving me insane and each time I try and stop that Sean guy or even try to get to Violet he stops me or puts up a fire wall. I'm so damn mad that all I can think of is ripping him to shreds.

"Listen. Who ever the fuck you are, stop hurting my damn mate!" I yell in frustration at the man who is leaning on the wall, looking at me in absolute boredom. He rolls his eyes and in a blink of a eye he had me in a choke hold.

"Ok mut you listen here. I am doing this for her own good. You can't and will not be able to stop me so next tine you think of trying to hurt me, you will be dead before you can finish the thought." He hisses. I could feel the anger that he was trying hard to control coming off of him in large waves, but on his face it showed no emotions, no anger.

"Sean. Please stop. He doesn't mean it, he has a wolf that is trying to protect mine. Plus if anyone gets to kill him, it's me." I heard Violet speak up. Sean finally let's go of me and walks to her side. He grabs her chin and forces her to look him in the eye. He look at her for a couple minutes and then let's go.

"Your dine for tonight, anymore and it would kill you." He said and makes the straps that are holding her down disappear. Violet weakly sits up and looks down.

"Violet... Are you ok? Who is this guy anyway?" I heard Rachel ask, I didn't take my eyes off of Violet. She didn't look up or move a inch, but she did talk.

"He is a trainer. More specifically, my, trainer. He is the most brutal, Savage, cold-hearted, and sadistic trainer in all of hell. He is the only one that could train me, I sort of killed the others." She spoke softly and at the end she looked over to Sean who was smileing at her.

'I don't like him.' Leo stated. I just shut him out and focused back at the situation.

"You say it like I have never let you have a break." He chuckled. Violet went deadpan.

"The only time you have ever done that was when I was in the hospital room because I used to much energy and magic." She states and Sean smirked.

"Not my fult you had to much 'fun' the night before." Violets eyes went wide and her cheaks went bright red as she looked down. I on the other had was furious. I stared at her for a few seconds, but she wouldn't meet my eye.

"Violet. What does he mean by 'fun'?" I snarled. She looked straight at me, her eyes held the smallest amount of regret, but I was gone quicker then a bullet train.

"He means, I was tierd and worn out because I had fucked 23 guys that night." She said. I was trying my best to keep Leo at bay, but it was hard. Mainly because I wanted to rip the guys heads off. I saw anger in her eyes. Her pack was in disbelief, apparently she has never told them about any of this.

"You know why I did it?! I did it because of you Alex! Because all I could feel was pain! Pain because I hadn't rejected you! Pain because you were fucking Lilly and who knows how many other sluts! I didn't reject you because I wanted to make you feel all of the pain you put me through! That night I couldn't deal with the pain, I went out and got drunk off my ass and fucked all the guys that I could!" She yelled. Her eyes held fury and fire. I looked down primarily because I knew deep down that it was my fult.

"Violet I do regret it. I regret it with every fiber in my body." And with that I walked out. I heard her pack try to calm her down and get her to explain everything.

'Do you think we will get our mate back?' Leo asked sadly.

'I don't know Leo...' I replied. He whimpered and shut me out.

(Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it and remember to comment it really does help!)

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