36: Emotions

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(Violet's P.O.V)

I arrived at entered my territory and immediately five of my pack guards were at my side. The blue bike had left me a few miles before my territory. I'm glad about that as my pack would have killed him on the spot without question.

"Alpha. where are the others? Why are you home early? Who is with you" Lucas, one of my guards asked me, reading to attack if need be.

"All shall be explained, please organize a pack meeting, I have a very important question for you all." I told him. He nodded and left me. I arrived at my pack house and got off my bike, ending my call with my other members. I walk inside and sigh out in contentment of the familiar sent of my home. I told Sean, Jean and Adam to make themselves at home in my room. I went and took a shower, washing the built up grime off of my skin, and scrubbing the dirt out of my hair. I got dressed in my normal black jeans, combat boots, red shirt and leather jacket. Lucas knocked on my door, I walked over and opened it.

"The pack meeting will be in a half hour Alpha." I nodded at the information thanking him. He bowed respectfully then left. I shut my door and looked at my company.

"What the hell am I going to do? How do I tell them that we could possibly be merging with a pack that hurt me so much? How the hell do I explain Logan, the games, why I have two demon guards with me now that I have never had before?" I slide down my door and sit on the ground my face in my hands as I try to keep from a break down. I am very stressed right now, I don't know what to do anymore. Jean comes over and sits next to me, she puts a hand on my back and does that weird side hug you do to someone that's sitting. No one says anything, none of us have an answer. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. It wasn't working. Adam and Sean then came over to try to calm me down as well.

"Princess, it will be fine, your pack will understand if they really care for you they will accept your choices and what you want to do. If they don't then you are always welcome in hell, we haven't changed your room in the palace." Sean told me. He was right, if my pack kicks me out then I still have a home with my dad in hell. I smile softly up at Sean and hug him. I'm not one for hugs so it defiantly took him by surprise, eventually he came out of shock and hugged me back. Adam and Jean joined the hug after a little bit. We stayed like that until I heard another set of knocking on my door.

"Alpha the meeting is in five minutes." Lucas told me.

"Thank you Lucas I will be there shortly." I called out to him. As he left I separated from my friends. we all stood up. I took a deep breath.

"let's do this."

(Hey guys!! short chapter I know, next one should be a lot longer! Please do comment it really does help me stay motivated. I can tell you that I have planed out the end of this book. Take that as you will I'm still not sure how many more chapters it will be but it should be at least five. What do you think about how Violet is feeling right now? Is it good? Bad? What do you think her pack is going to think about merging, Logan, her having guards, and the games? How do you guys feel about her current predicament? I love you guys and see you in the next chapter!)

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