A Token of Affection

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His hands were beneath her skirts, roaming to every inch of skin he could find, his nose buried in the crook of her neck. Theon had her pinned against the stone wall of the hallway, her legs around his waist. He released a quiet grunt as she rutted against him. "You're such a tease." He growled into her ear, squeezing her rear harshly. "Hanging on his every word, and draping yourself over him?"

Y/N Stark's eyes were squeezed closed and she released a small gasp as he ground against her, her lips splitting into a self satisfied grin. "Jealousy's a bad look on you, Greyjoy."

Theon fumbled with the strings of his trousers, attempting to undo them without taking his attention off her. He continued to nibble up and down the column of the girl's throat, leaving marks that would inevitably raise questions tomorrow.

Voices could be heard rounding the corner, bouncing off the stone corridors, and one in particular sent her into a panic. She began to paw at his shoulders, begging him in hushed whispers to release her. "Theon! Theon, stop!" She begged softly in an urgent tone. "Robb's going to see!" She supplicated, resisting his touch.

Theon merely lifted a brow, finally pausing and meeting her eyes. After a moment of tortuous contemplation, he simply clasped a hand over her mouth to silence her, and tried to quiet his own breathing.

Footsteps echoed through the stone corridor, and Robb continued his conversation, pausing only slightly to glance around the corner where the two were hiding. Gradually, his voice receded, getting further away.

Theon gave her a wide smile, lowering his hand from her mouth as a sense of relief washed over him. Robb loved Theon like a brother, but that love would evaporate the moment he found out what the two had been doing behind closed doors. Theon had no doubts that Robb would defend his sister's honor, and try to beat him into a coma.

Y/N released a sigh, her heartbeat pounding through her chest. "Let me go." She ordered, her tone much more cool now.

He scoffed quietly, but did as she asked. "What did you want me to do? Let you run away and attract questions about what we were doing in the first place?"

"We almost got caught." She commented lowly, wary of her volume. "My honor would be in shambles, and father would have difficulty marrying me to a peasant, let alone a prince!"

Theon had difficulty hiding the way his eyes rolled at her attempt of reason. "Maybe you should watch the way you speak to me, my lady." The title was spoken with ire and anger, and their momentary passion had disappeared.

Y/N bit back the sour feeling in the pit of her stomach, leaning forward so her face was only inches away from his. "Don't pretend like you're above this, don't pretend like you hate me when you know that if father would allow it you'd beg to marry me, you'd beg to-"

"Really? Because I'm sure I'm not the one who tumbled into your bed and begged for you to take my purity." The words had a resounding effect, and he watched as her angry expression shattered, and made way for a hurt one. He reached forward to grasp her hand, trying to backtrack from what he'd said.

She ripped her hand out of his, taking a step backwards, and she struggled to contain the shaking of her hands by her sides as they clenched into fists.

Theon stared at her back as she turned away from him, frozen in place as she cursed at him. He watched her retreating figure as she ran away from him, and exited his life the same way she'd come in, tears streaming down her cheeks.

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