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You had heard the whispers, but you didn't dare believe them. Theon was dead...Asha had told you such. The father of your child, your sweet barely two years old little boy, had died in the North after betraying Robb Stark and taking Iron Born into Winterfell. After killing two little boys. The thought alone had made you hope, pray, that Theon truly was dead. How could you want someone like him to be around your own son.

Maybe...maybe it wasn't the right mentality for an iron born, but you had never cared much for the ways of your people. You were soft, you had been told that plenty of times, and that's why Asha – your good sister – had taken you in and watched over you the moment you married her brother. Of course, it helped that since you had birthed Balon Greyjoy's grandson and heir the Lord, King, of the Iron Islands had commanded no one bother you. Asha had taken it upon herself to be your personal guard, even more so after her father fell from one of the bridges to his death in the water and rocks below.

You hadn't dared to believe the whispers you had heard all morning about how Theon Greyjoy, the "no longer a man" heir of Balon Greyjoy had returned to Pyke once more. Some part of you was trying to fight against the stabbing pain of longing and sadness that filled you at the very thought of him while the second part of you was trying to be hopeful, to believe in the whispers so your son could finally have his father and so you would finally have your husband back.

But then you stepped into the small, chilly and damp, hall to find your good sister staring down her younger, and only surviving, brother.
"Y/n is none of your concern," Asha was saying, her voice hard and certain as it always got when she was so determined that nothing was going to change her mind. "You left her Theon, you married her and fucked her and then you left her. You have no right to show up, wondering how she is...wanting to see her."
You wondered if she was just talking in general how Theon had no right to see you. Not after he left and didn't come back for two years, not after he went against orders given to him by his father and raided too far inland killing his men. Or, perhaps, she was talking about the fact the two of you hadn't gotten along all that well before Theon left.

You had been forced to marry him by your fathers, and neither of you had taken it all that well. He was content with being single, with being free to fuck the whores and any noble girl he came upon; not that he would have had to stop completely, it was in the iron born nature to fuck women when out on raids or who were brought to the islands as slaves. were content just being left alone to read and day dream having never cared too much for the cruel ways of your people.

"I...Asha please I just...I want to..." Theon's broken speech tore at your heart. You could see how he avoided his sister's gaze and his gloved hands were at his sides, grabbing fist fulls of his trousers. It hurt, even if you hadn't really liked him all that much before, to see how his time with the Boltons had hurt him so. "You want to what, Theon? Look at me!" Asha reached out, forcing her brother's chin upward, "You can't even look me in the the hell are you going to look at her? To look at your son and try to help him be a man?" she spat, venom lacing every word.

If it hurt Theon...if he had time to register the didn't know, you were clearing your throat before your husband could say anything. You, personally, had been affected by Asha's words...they were completely uncalled for! Theon hadn't done anything different than iron borns before him had...the only difference was that he had failed.

"Y/n," Asha said quickly letting go of Theon's face as she turned to look at you, "Where's y/s/n?" "Napping," with three guards on watch inside and three outside his room. After Balon's death – which was heavily suspected to be murder – you hadn't let your son out of your sight without him being heavily guarded. "Can you give me a moment with my husband?" Asha said your name again, an argument clearly forming on her lips, but she bit her tongue and left the room nevertheless.

"Are you cold?" you asked softly, moving over to the fire place so to throw another log in. "And look like you haven't eaten in months." You tsked, anger and hatred toward House Bolton filling your stomach as you turned to get your first, frontal look of his small form. He had never been too muscular, but there had been some...more lean than heavy built but not malnourished.

"I...I'm fine," he avoided your gaze and his voice tremored as if he was afraid to speak at all. "I...Y/n...I'm so sorry." His voice cracked and it broke your heart as his body began to shake, "I was a fool...I was so stupid. I...I should have died with him. He should be alive and I should be dead. And his mother...and all the people who went North with me...I've hurt so many people."

He was talking about the Starks, the King in the North and his mother, you assumed and the iron born that had been a part of his crew. It was shame and guilt and remorse and... "Oh Theon," you wrapped your arms around his waist, hugging him gently and loosely with your head over his heart. "Hush now, you're safe."

After a moment of hesitation, his arms were wrapping around your shoulders and his face was pressed against the side of your head as he sobbed softly. "He looks like you, don't you think?" you asked softly later that night as you and Theon watched your son sleep. "He's so smart, and he loves to sail. Asha takes him out all the time...says he's a natural." You placed a hand to Theon's shoulder, thankful that he no longer flinched away from your touch.

"You've done a good job with him," Theon murmured as he placed a kiss to y/s/n's head before getting to his feet, "I'm staying here, I plan on helping Asha rule." His gaze flickered downward as he then said, "I can't be a husband to you.'s impossible." You had heard the stories, you had been in the room when Asha and Balon got the "gift" from Ramsay Bolton. You knew what Theon was talking about and it made you curse the world you both lived in. The fact that having a cock or not having a cock decided if someone was important, or...good enough, was ridiculous!
"Shut up Theon, don't talk like that." You cupped his face in his hands.

"You are Theon Greyjoy, you are my husband and the father of my son, no matter what. As long as you are here with us, you are the man you were when we married." You placed a gentle kiss to his lips, letting your lips linger on his for a moment before pulling back and taking his hand. "Come now, you need to rest before you fall over." You didn't give him time to argue and pulled him across the hall to your own chambers.

Heavy footsteps on the stone flooring caught your attention just as you went to open the door. Frowning, you and Theon both turned to find a man coming toward you. A man who looked like Theon and whom you vaguely remembered to be Euron Greyjoy. "Uncle?" Theon was just as surprised as you were, his blue eyes wide as he took a small step forward as if to protect you.

"Theon," Crow's Eye sounded the same as it had all those years ago before being exiled, his lips a blue didn't want to know what that was about. "You must be Y/n...when I came into port, I heard my nephew had married and even has a child." His eyes flickered over your husband and then you, a soft humming past his lips as he continued to speak, "It is so nice to be home and see all the changes that have been made."

"What are you doing here?" Theon asked, his voice shaking slightly and you silently prayed to the old, the new, and the drowned gods that they still your husband's voice. He didn't need to look weak in front of his uncle right now. Especially not this uncle. "I heard my brother was dead, I came to pay my respects." Euron smiled, something in his eyes telling you that he had something to do with Balon's death.
"Asha will want to speak to you," Theon mumbled, half turning as he gestured down the hall toward his sister's chambers.

Euron didn't move even as Theon began to. His eyes were still on you and you felt your skin begin to crawl in disgust. "I look forward to getting better acquainted with you, niece." There was humor in his voice, and something you didn't want to put a finger to. "Uncle," Theon hissed, for once his voice strong and full of warning. His hand wrapped around your arm and pulled you to him, "She's mine..."

"For now," the threat – and promise – was there in those two words as Euron finally began to head toward the end of the hall.

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