Chapter 21: Resting in your embrace

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There were daily starship flights between Orte and Gaia Star, however it was not every day that the ship used was the latest commercial starship model. 

If you took a regular starship, it would take a whole day to return from Gaia Star to Orte, but with the new model it took half that time.

After visiting her cub, Fuya therefore spent one more day at Gaia Star.

In order to avoid daily visits which would disturb the staff, nursing clubs generally encouraged parents to visit the cubs on the weekend. Parents who lived close to the club could also pick up their cubs and return them at the end of it.

In addition to visits, parents could also initiate holographic communication on the weekend. It was very convenient for those who lived further away and could not causally visit, but still wanted to see how their cub was doing.

Fuya had however not used holographic communication during the past month and had only contacted the Yunbao branch by email to see how her cub was doing. The reason for this was that, at that time, she had not wanted to use holographic communication as she was afraid that if she heard her cub's desperate cries, she would immediately go to Gaia Star and take him home.

But when she finally went to Gaia Star she had gotten a huge unimaginable surprise.

"You went to the club?" Asking this question he already knew the answer too, Tanner's face did not hold a good expression. However, even after getting a confirmation, he did not show further dissatisfaction and instead asked. "Peipei, how is he doing over there?"

How was he living? How was he eating? What kind of living conditions could a non-famous and regular trash club actually provide for his cub?

When she had first returned home, Fuya had wanted to share her joy with her husband and convey to him the news of their cub's achievement. However when she saw the other's face, she recalled past events and became aware that something needed to be changed.

Her cub had been so happy and full of energy when she visited him at the Yunbao branch, and it made her realize that it truly had been a very long time since she had seen her cub so full of life.

Not to mention that, seeing his straight back and protruding chest, her cub now seemed to have a stronger and healthier self esteem.

When the human youth had praised her cub in front of her, she had also seen how Peipei had raised his head to meet the youth eyes and proudly called out to him as he moved his small wings in happiness.

She had really felt the joy emitted from that action, and of course cubs liked to be praised and felt sad when they were scolded or blamed. It was a very obvious thing, but Fuya found that she had always been blind when it came to this matter.

Fortunately, it was not too late to change. But it would not be enough for her alone to change, she had to get the man in front of her to change his ways too.

With this in mind, Fuya simply nodded to his question and said, "He has adapted well."

Tanner felt that her words were very vague and wanted to inquire further, but his pride would not let him. Ultimately, after standing in place for two seconds, he simply turned around and silently entered his study.

Fuya followed the other with her eyes as he left, and then looked at the connector sitting on the living room table.

In ten days, the annual flying competition would be held and this time it was the turn of the Kuhti race to host it.

The competition was specially arranged for the cubs of the Kuhti, Kuwei and Cotto races. The purpose of the competition was to promote the three races as well as deepen the friendship between them.

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