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david 💸 has entered the chat

david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
would it be alright if i talked with you for a little bit?

[name] ☕︎ has entered the chat

[name] ☕︎ is typing ...

[name] ☕︎:
what's up?

david 💸:
i want to sort something out with myself

[name] ☕︎:

david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
i've recently been worried about my future

[name] ☕︎:
what about your future are you worried about?

david 💸:
a lot of things really
but mostly my friends

david 💸 is typing ...
david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
i remember back when i first started to vlog i was always with my group of friends
visiting them daily was like my second home
but we're getting older now
my friends moved out of the original vlog squad house
and now the house that three of my friends currently share is going to be gone too
they're all getting their own places and they now have their own youtube channels to work on that i feel like i'll barely be able to see them as often as i used to

[name] ☕︎:
no matter what paths you and your friends take you'll still have each other
maybe it won't be like old times
but there are still opportunities to make new memories with them and even greater content for all of your channels :)

[name] ☕︎ is typing ...

[name] ☕︎:
plus since you and all of friends are always trying to get content for your vlogs you'll be bound to see each other often right?

david 💸:
i'm not just talking about for my vlogs
i'm talking about real life in general

[name] ☕︎:

david 💸 is typing ...
david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
my friends are the most important thing in the world to me
besides my family
and i'd literally do ANYTHING for them
but i feel like one day we'll just grow older and never hangout ever again
they'll move on or some shit like that
and i don't want to lose them
and i know for a fact that it's starting since i haven't seen my friend gabbie in a long time
she was one of my closest friends (and still is) and she was with me since the beginning on my vlogs
i'm worried that this'll happen with all of my friends

david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
i'm scared of being alone

[name] ☕︎ is typing ...

[name] ☕︎:
don't think so much about what is going to happen in the future
if you do you'll only just mess up the present to cause that future you're fearing that'll come
if they're truly your friends (and i'm positive they are) they would never leave you behind
i'm sure your friend gabbie isn't trying to distance herself from you on purpose

[name] ☕︎ is typing ...
[name] ☕︎ is typing ...

[name] ☕︎:
this may sound a little harsh but the world doesn't just only revolve around you
people have lives
your friends have lives other than youtube and hanging out with their friends
them not spending time with often isn't them leaving you behind
if you're ever feeling alone, just give them a call
i'm 100% sure that they'll answer
even for your friend gabbie

david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:

david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
thank you
i needed this

[name] ☕︎:
of course
it's literally my job to emotionally support you :)

david 💸:
i'm so thankful for you
i wish you lived here i would have hugged you
and i don't do that a lot so you should feel honored

david 💸 is typing ...

david 💸:
although i'm already pretty awesome and you should be honored for even talked to me rn B)

[name] ☕︎:
we can literally never have any sincere moment without you ruining it, huh?

david 💸:
nope :)
i gtg now
it's almost 8 and i got to upload my next vlog

[name] ☕︎:
i'm proud of you for fixing your uploading and sleeping schedule
and i'm so proud of you in general :)

[name] ☕︎ has disconnected from the chat

david 💸 has disconnected from the chat

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