Graduation Day - Chapter 23

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LAST CHAPTER ... D'''': I feel like an old grandma, ah they grow up so quickly! But dont worry still an epilogue to go and that will be the absoulute end - no sequels!, sorry. But enjoy :)


Macy's P.O.V

“Today’s the day!” my father announced proudly as he clamped his hands down on my shoulders. I glanced at my mum who was bawling her eyes out, for god’s sake the graduation ceremony hasn’t even started. I glanced down at Felicity who was dressed up in a lime green dress and pigged tails, she shot me a sly grin, “When you go to college, I get ALL your stuff!”

I raised my brow at her, even though she annoys me to death – I was going to miss her. In about 2-3 weeks’ time I was moving into Harvard Campus, much to my mother’s protest I insisted on getting a place up there with Selena who had gotten into Harvard too.

“They grow up so quickly!” my mother let out a howl before she proceeded to cry onto my father’s shirt. I laughed as dad mumbled something about her ruining his favourite shirt. “Dad, I’m just going to see Chloe – I’ll see you after the ceremony!” my dad gave me a brisk nod as he tried to detached mum.

I walked past the buzzing crowds of relatives of my classmates, I could spot a few familiar people who wore their black graduation caps. I made my way to the bubbling blonde who was animatedly talking to Luke, I chuckled – their relationship was so bipolar. One minute they would fight, Chloe would come crying to me and then the next minute Luke and her would be going at it like sex-crazed animals.

I pulled Chloe into a hug as she squealed into my ear, “Can you believe were graduating!” I peeked around her shoulder to see Luke roll his eyes playfully at Chloe. “Luke where you planning to go after this?” I asked, I didn’t really Luke that well – but he really does make Chloe happy.

Luke ran his fingers through his blonde hair, his graduation cap tucked under his arm, “Oxford, surprised I got accepted though,” he smiled at me as he wrapped his arms around Chloe. “Wow, congratulations!”

Chloe stuck her lower lip out, “You’re all leaving me! And I’m going to be here at the local community college all by myself,” she complained. Luke squeezed her shoulders, “You know you can come visit us.”

 “And there will be plenty more relationships for you to meddle with in college!” Luke and I both cracked up before Chloe threw a hard punch at my arm. “Ow!” I yelped. Chloe smirk grew wider, “You deserved it!”

I jumped in surprise when two arms wrapped around my waist, a deep voice whispered into my eear causing me to shiver, “Hello beautiful.”

“Blaze!” his blue eyes were starring right into mine.

“I have surprise for you after the ceremony!”

“More surprises?”

Blaze just laughed as he nodded, Ryan joined the conversation with his hands on his hips, “You’re a spoilt princess!”

I pegged Ryan in the arm, “I’m a lucky girl,” before placing a kiss on Blaze lips.

“AHH MY EYES!” Luke and Chloe shrieked.

“Hypocrites! You two go at it no matter who’s in the room!” Blaze protested.

“I blame it on hormones…” Chloe stated as she snuggled into Luke’s side.

The three of us shook our heads at the bipolar couple. “Please take your seats as the ceremony is about to start.” Principle William’s voice boomed over the loud speaker. I grabbed Ryan’s hand since we had to sit in alphabetical order, he would be right next to me.

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