Coming Home - Epilogue

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*5 years later*

“Coming through! Excuse me! Would you move? Pregnant lady coming through!” a loud voice shouted as they tried to maneuver their way through the busy airport. It was quite a sight seeing my very pregnant best friend waddle towards me with her exhausted looking husband in toll.

Ryan chuckled beside me before leaning towards my ear, “Does she always do that?” Ryan had just returned a few days ago from overseas where he had been studying abroad. It was so good to have the old gang back. I chuckled before replying, “It’s so no one mistakes her as fat...”

Ryan snorted, “Oh she hasn’t changed at all…” I nodded in agreement before walking towards a frustrated Chloe as she managed to squeeze in between a backpacking couple. “Chloe!” her lips curled into a smile before she pulled me into an awkward side hug. A few seconds later another body had wrapped themselves around us, no doubt it was Ryan himself.

I looked across Chloe shoulders to see Luke dragging Chloe’s numerous bags, how he’s managed to stay with her for 5 years is a mystery to me. “You guys seriously started the group hug without me?” a new voice spoke causing us to detach to see a woman with a blonde bob. I gasp as Chloe jumped on Selena, “You look so different!”

As soon as we graduated Selena had gotten a scholarship into a performing arts school. We kept in touch through text and emails but this was the first time I’ve seen her in 5 years. “I thought you weren’t going to make it?” I asked as I gave Selena a gentle hug, she grasped my shoulders firmly, “There was no way I was going to my best friends special day.”

I could feel my cheeks turn red as I tightened my scarf around my neck, “It’s not that special…” Chloe just rolled her eyes, “Nonsense, it’s the day Blaze is coming back from the army!” That’s when reality hit me, it had been 5 years since Blaze was shipped off to the army, it was hard to have contact with him – with only the exception of monthly letters.

What if something had happened to him? You see soldiers come back from war, and their never the same. I shook the thoughts away, I’m just being selfish – all I should want is for him to be safe in my arms. “Macy!” Ryan nudged me in the sides causing me to break out of my thoughts, “Daydreaming of Blaze?” he raised a brow suggestively.

I slapped his shoulder, “No, you dirty pervert. I was just thinking… if he’s the same guy I fell in love with.”

Ryan rested his arm around my shoulder, “Macy you’re over thinking this, you and Blaze care deeply about each other and nothings ever going change that. Sure he may look different or do little things differently but he will always love you. Come on; be happy, he’s finally coming home forever.” I glanced up at Ryan; tears were already blurring my vision.

“Thank you Ryan,” I muttered before I buried my face in the crook of his neck, Ryan was right – I should focus on what’s important here, Blaze. “FLIGHT S062J is now landing at Gate 5,” the intercom managed to choke out the announcement before cutting off. “That’s Blaze’s flight!” I announced to my best friends as I followed the overhead signs to Gate 5.


It felt like forever, watching other families embrace their loved ones, watching people slowly emerge from the plane. I was frantically looking from person to person, afraid I had miss one second to see him. That’s when a dark head caught my eyes; I felt my heart fasten as I took in his appearance. His once shaggy hair had been cut short, his eyes still the same color of blue and not to mention that notorious smirk.

He had bulked up since 5 years ago, compared to now – he was a scrawny little boy back then. I could feel my legs automatically walking towards him; I couldn’t help notice the small scar on the side of his forehead, something that hadn’t been there originally.

“Macy…” as he mumbled my name I was already in his arms. My legs were wrapped around his waist as my arms encircled his neck. I let out a big sob that I had been holding in since I had first seen him step out of the airplane.

“I’ve missed you so much…” I murmured into his collarbone.

“Macy… Macy can’t breathe!” Blaze choked out as I realized I had been hugging him too tightly. I let out a nervous laugh as I untangled myself from him. “Sorry,” I muttered shyly as soon as my feet hit the ground.

I felt warm hands graze my cheek before my head was tilted towards Blaze; he still managed to be a head taller than me! “Macy Hawthorne, I never thought I’d ever be saying this, but here I am. Our senior year was one of kind and to be honest I thought you were just going to forget me once you got over Aaron. But you didn’t, and I certainly didn’t forget you. You’ve become my best friend who happens to be my girlfriend. I would sit through all the reruns of Oprah and The Notebook for you. God this sounds so god damn cheesy, but Macy Hawthorne I love you and will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

“You’re suppose to kneel, you idiot!” a voice shouted from the crowd that had now formed. No doubt that was Ryan’s words of wisdom. Blaze’s words were clouding my mind, Ryan was right – he may have changed appearance and other things but he still loved me. I felt cold tears splashing down my cheeks.

“Yes…” I whispered before the crowd exploded into applause and congratulations but I didn’t care, all that matter was that I was in Blaze’s arms and he was safe. I slowly pulled away, “That scar… where did you get it?” my mind was coming up with all these terrifying scenarios when Blaze interrupted me, “I fell over in one of the trenches…” I let out a snort; I had been worried for nothing.

 “Congratulations!” Selena shouted in my ear as she pulled Blaze and me in for a hug.

“It’s funny we’ve grown up so much from senior year... I never thought this could all happen,” Ryan stated as he flashed me cheeky smile.

“To think were all grown up, our adventures will be over!” Chloe let out a loud wail before burying herself in Luke’s side.

Luke just shook his head at his wife, “Well honey, it’s not over till the fat lady sings...”

“Warm up your vocal chords Chloe!” Ryan said causing all of us to burst out laughing except for Chloe who had already taken to hitting Ryan with her handbag.

“God damn it lady! What do you put in there a brick?” The rest of us watched their childish bickering, we may have grown up but were still young at heart. I guess things really do turn out for the best, they may not seem at the exact moment but in the future you’ll get your happily ever after.

The End

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