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Hi again I've decided to make this a book about not only family but relatives too.

Today's topic Moms so let's get started so i have a few people that have problems with their moms and things of that sort so yeah. Merida-italics Grace(me)-Bold Rapunzel-Bitalics

So let's get started honestly i luv my mom she actually pays attention to me unlike someone i know° she takes me and my friends to the park plus if i keep bugging her and bugging she'll take us anywhere.

Well yer lucky, my mum is always criticizing me on being a proper lady.She's all 'a lady does this a lady does that' its annoying but sometimes she is reasonable.

Well my mom was way to overprotective she never wanted me to leave the tower ever which bugged me because i died to see the world outside of the tower but i never could then i met Jack he showed me a way out and gave me the opportunity to see the world which i have thanked him for so many times i can't remember.

Well those r our opinions on our moms. What r your thoughts about relatives and even Manny (ROTG)  leave it down in the comment section and u could be in the next chapter!!!


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