1 | The Letter

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    Magic is the life source of all things. Uthra runs through the veins of every living creature.

    Taking a deep breath, Kael concentrated, listening to the memory of his teacher drilling the lesson into his head. He held out the rusty scythe as if the gesture would somehow strengthen the surge of uthra within him.

    However, magic can only be used through a vessel. Concentrate.

    He took in another breath, holding it. Focusing. He tightened his grip and opened his eyes. The world crashed into his vision, gentle leaves casting dancing shadows on the patches of grass below. The tree's bark was rough under his touch, and he shifted his feet to find better purchase on the branch.

    Remember the first rule of casting. First get a feel of your surroundings. Block out all noise and hone in on the target.

    He released a breath of air, long, drawn out, and quiet so as not to alert the large boar in front of him. It was a magnificent creature, with low haunches and impressive muscles, built for aggression, yet containing enough fat to become more than a delectable meal. Two menacing tusks protruded upward from its lower jaw — a trait that easily boosted the boar's arrogance in thinking it was completely safe from predators as it gorged. There was a reason the boar symbolised vanity and wealth in Bijou folklore.

    Next, loosen your body and get ready to move in a moment's notice. Make sure to take in all of the environment. The vantage points, the points you must avoid, blind spots.

    His eyes flickered to the side, locking on to the bushes that could hide the boar should it choose to run that way. He gritted his teeth. Sweat ran down the side of his face, and so tense was the silence that he thought he could hear it sliding across his skin. Success was the only thing in his mind, the only thing keeping his focus razor sharp in the bloated summer heat. 

    Find the flow of uthra within. Concentrate on the flow.

    Kael felt a surge of energy within him, coursing through his entire being, jittering every nerve it touched. He was more than ready to move. The boar grunted and rustled its flat snout against the dirt. Snuffling for food, it would move along when nothing appeased its palate. If he didn't hurry, he would lose it beyond the bushes, deeper into the forest where it was forbidden to venture.

    Pour that energy into the vessel. Let the vessel become one with your body.

    Kael sliced the scythe through the air with practiced dexterity. He could almost feel the uthra run along the tearing leather handle and through the wooden grain. He could feel every chip, every splinter, every imperfection that had rendered it useless for farming. The uthra surged until finally, it reached the dull blade where it burst into bright yellow flames.

    The boar had taken notice now, if not by the sudden waft of heat, then by the brilliance of the sun that burned under the trees. It turned its curious head in Kael's direction as if to wonder if it should run or take a chance to stand its ground; its proverbial arrogance was its downfall. Kael didn't let it decide. He jumped down from the tree, brandishing the scythe, and swished it over his head to gain maximum momentum.

    The boar panicked. Squealing, it jumped backwards before making a complete turn. A mistake. The slight hesitation had given Kael all the time he needed to slam down the flaming scythe and dig the curved blade into the boar's scruff.

    A pained squeal released a flock of resting birds into the air. The boar's body jerked and twitched as it took one last wheeze of life before its massive bulk fell to the ground with a loud thud, spraying a mist of dust into the air.

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