30 | Choose Your Weapons

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    At the harsh pounding on his door, Kael rolled off his bed with a loud thud. He groaned, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. Had he dreamt the thumping on his door?

    Yawning, he slid back into bed and settled in. The day was still too early, the sun still tucked away in the darkness. He had just dozed off when the knocks on his door started up louder.

    "Rise and shine, kid," Nox's voice called from behind the door.

    "Okay, okay," Kael mumbled, crawling off the bed with his eyes half closed. His sheets tangled in his feet, causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground once again. This time, he hit his chin on the wooden floor. He winced, knowing it would probably bruise.

    At the incessant pounding, he kicked at the sheets and stood before stomping over and throwing open the door. Cold morning air breezed in, making him shiver, and he snaked his arms over his bare chest.

    "What?" he snapped, annoyed that his sleep had been disturbed.

    Nox smiled. "Well, aren't you a pretty flower this morning? I'm guessing you aren't an early riser. A late bloomer, eh?"

    Kael muttered something under his breath before looking up at Nox. "Why'd you wake me up so early?"

    "Sorry about that, kid. I'd leaf you alone," he chuckled, "but you gotta play catch up. Since you missed your weapon training class in fit-co the other day, you'll have to do it outside school hours. Get ready now. Class starts in thirty minutes."

    With a groan, Kael mumbled an annoyed "fine." He began to shut his door before pausing.

    "Um, Caster—"

    "Save the 'Caster' nonsense," Nox waved his hand. "Just call me Nox outside of class. Or Great One. Personally, I prefer the second."

    Kael snorted a laugh. "I think I'll stick with Nox. Anyway, I haven't seen Kly in a while. Do you know when I can see him?"

    "Ah." For a split second, Kael saw Nox's expression drop into concern before he smiled widely. "I guess he didn't tell ya. He went out on a mission not too long ago. The recruitment tavern's been overflowing with jobs, and Kly's been cuttin' them down a little."

    The boy hung his head at the news. "Oh. Thanks for telling me."

    "No problem," Nox said. "Now hurry it up, or Seis won't be too happy. She's already steaming about the thief that came by. He didn't even take what he stole and returned them like he was making fun of her. Not to mention that he completely stole the show she was planning to put on for you. Such a lady of drama. Now get going. You don't want her to vaporise ya!"

    "Wait. He didn't take anything?" Kael said, cocking his head. "You found the lost items?"

    "Yeah. I shouldn't be telling you this, but I'm not a suckler to the rules. We found most of the items in front of a shed where we keep old weapons. Only the small things like jewelry and money weren't retrieved." Nox shoved his hands into the pockets of his blue hoodie. "I'll see ya later, now. I need to catch up on some sleep. It's way too early for this." He yawned loudly as he walked away.

    Kael huffed. "Nice of him to tell me he's going to bed right after forcing me off mine."

    After shutting the door, he took his time gathering his fitness-combat uniform before leaving his room to go to the bathroom. Just as he locked his door behind him, another door diagonal from him opened, and Garun stepped out all ready for class.

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